Two people can be on EACH Switch in multi. So, if you have four Switches, you can play 8 player, with two on each Switch. Just like online play.
Two people can be on EACH Switch in multi. So, if you have four Switches, you can play 8 player, with two on each Switch. Just like online play.
To my knowledge, it hasn’t been announced for US release at all. Hopefully E3 will shed some light.
The announcement doesn’t seem to say anything about the 3DS version ever leaving Japan. Has that even been confirmed anywhere?
Which version I get depends entirely on the purchasing structure. If it’s charging for hint coins, whatevs. If I have to pay more than $40 to access all of the story and puzzles, 3DS it is.
Not mentioned: sales figures for 1-2-Switch. I’m more interested in that than I am in the obvious Zelda numbers.
Right! My point isn’t that the game is going to be like those. My point is, if there’s any team I trust to make the game, it’s this one.
My guess is this is because it’s so, so, so easy to hack. If these were easy to obtain, there wouldn’t be any market for NES Virtual Console games on the Switch.
This is why demos need to be the norm, not a rare exception. I can’t try this game without a $40 investment, but give me two hours with it, and maybe I’ll bite.
Idea for a patch: 60 pagies gets you in, but you need 100 to get the “real” ending.
I don’t think we need to worry about Super Mario Odyssey. This team did Galaxy 1/2 and 3D Land/3D World.
20 hours at a time?
Truly, what could be better than having an HD version on the screen when you play for serious, and a handheld version for grinding? That’s why I’m really excited for JRPGs on the Switch.
If you get the Switch version, though, do you need the 3DS version? Plus, SE does bring some DQ spinoffs out West (Heroes, Builders), so it stands to reason that they’d do DQ11 if Nintendo doesn’t.
Couple things: first, I think that you don’t choose between the two styles for the 3DS version; it shows the 3D version on the top screen, and the retro version on the bottom.
...and then lost me at “gachapon.”
I’ve also been loving this game. I’m liking it a lot more than the mobile version not just because it gives me all of the songs in one purchase, but also because by developing it for exactly one piece of hardware, there are no issues with stuttering or A/V sync, making it the most responsive rhythm game I’ve played…
I can’t recommend RE7 in VR highly enough. Nothing in gaming has ever impressed me as much as playing it in VR for my first playthrough, being IN the Baker house and having no idea what’s behind the next corner. I snuck around, literally peering around corners and through holes in the wall. Ducking behind cover,…
I can’t recommend RE7 in VR highly enough. Nothing in gaming has ever impressed me as much as playing it in VR for…
Another lesson: give kids their own accounts. Even if they’re five and only play a little bit every now and then, you’ll want to set up a wall between your saves and theirs. Plus, keeps them from accidentally loading up something M-rated.
Keyword: mainly
Because of the heavy amount of microtransactions, I feel like this game will be really cheap (or even free?) before too long.
Because of the heavy amount of microtransactions, I feel like this game will be really cheap (or even free?) before…