Nice. 4Runners have gotten way too big, this is more like the 2000-era 4Runners, which are fantastic.
Nice. 4Runners have gotten way too big, this is more like the 2000-era 4Runners, which are fantastic.
Doors up looks like flying seagull
Doors down looks like fleeing cocaine dealer
There wasn’t a bigger toilet available?
I learned to drive a stick on one of these—my girlfriend’s father had two! No Dice, because I don’t think today’s kids have any idea how loud these things are, like everybody at Home Depot grabbed the nearest can of spray paint and shook it like a Polaroid picture.
The upside was that we also got to drive his Microbus…
Ah. And ha, I never thought even the diecast has its testing phase.
Aren’t they beyond prototype now? The first batch was already introduced in Georgia.
I was a kid when these were around, and they had an aura of “cool” about them—big, stately machines that friends’ parents drove. They look better in darker colors, and as much as I love them I imagine they’re awkward anachronisms now that traffic is heavier and parking spaces seem smaller.
I’ll say NP, but the lack of punctuation in the seller’s (now deleted) post make him sound like a jittery tweaker itching to take your “like I said cash only” straight to his dealer.
I was looking at these years ago, but man, even 469hp wouldn’t help me escape that depressing strip club interior.
But Joe was a liar, so...
All great stuff, but I’d bet 99% of them never see dirt. That’s fine, I just wish cars like these came with a “reality” trim level that removed expensive features that will never be used.
Plus, if you’re driving that thing around Brooklyn, you’re probably getting side eye from people thinking you’re part of one of those ruthless street gangs the New York Post always warns about.
I’m with you. Everybody wants to bitch about Jags here, but 1. This IS rare, so the guy does know what he has, 2. LA has plenty of mechanics who can fix these things, 3. LA has lots of expat Brits who could drive this to afternoon tea in Beverly Hills. It’s not an unreasonable price—somebody out there will be very…
“While far from my favorite installment in the franchise...”
You guys are like the office mean girls when Marge from Accounting wins Employee of the Year.
Bumpers? A non-dreary black interior? A gas booster? Sheesh, they may have something there.
You’re forgetting that people can’t follow simple directions.
I’ve seen these things at an annual alt fuel car show they used to have in Santa Monica, and even 10 years ago they seemed behind the times. It’s a sad little car that was worlds away from the Teslas, Leafs, Volts and Honda Clarities designed to drag us into our oiless future. It looked like the ignored entry from…
An F-150. Base trim or maybe Lariat, I’d just try to avoid too many electronic features that’ll be useless by then. By 2050 maybe it’ll be considered small.
The Rare Classic Cars YT channel is great, btw. Crazy amount of detail in those videos.