
Your complaints are completely legit, I think they really missed the mark on a few things. Round headlights should have been a must, as should buttons for AC, audio, etc. (not because it’s retro, but because BUTTONS ARE GOOD and we’re really learning to hate everything being on a f—cking touch screen). Also, yeah, it

I love wagons, but this has a loooong list of issues, many of which the seller should have taken care of before slapping an $8K price tag on it.
No Dice.

Why knot? The minute I saw it I pined for it, imagining myself lumbering down Root 66, making as ash of myself as I blast a Carpenters song and leaf everybody in my sawdust. It’s a hard choice. It looks cherry but doesn’t make a grain of sense, would sap my bank account and stain my credit rating. Maybe I’ll ask my

I’ll defend the 2-door 2011 Mojave I bought last year. Yeah, it’ll hardly be off road, but I’m in CA beach towns and the desert a lot so maybe a dirt road here and there. I was coming off a vintage BMW and wanted something less worrisome. It’s a 6-speed, has the leatherish tan interior and looks downright nice. It’s

I almost said NP, since it would be a really pretty car without all the adornments, and I pictured myself spending a day or two taking them all off (at an undisclosed location, since I wouldn’t want to come home with it looking like this).

F--k this.

You mean the flying car, the flying Amazon packages, the two hour flight from New York to London or the anti-aging pill?

Is the shock that there was a bedbug on a plane, where hundreds of bags from dozens of hotels are onboarded every day, or that the bug had the nerve to sit in first class?

He and Trump’s conversations are just the two of them laughing about who’s more full of shit.

That gets me every time. I feel like somebody’s pointing out a flaw or evidence for a criminal case.

Auto immune?

make them like gas stations.”

The ugly paint job, the music, overuse of the word “bro” and the dopey “how could this have happened?” look after so many dumb choices.
And this person is an “influencer.”
God help us all.


Not the first guy to go to a dealership and end up in the hole.

It’s in LA, so aside from epic Costco runs it’s the potential star of a The Grapes of Wrath or Beverly Hillbillies reboot. It just needs to be discovered! Nice price.

How many limbs are we talking about?

I’m with you. It looks amazing, so investigating and solving the fuel injector issue can be your project without having a dozen other assignments behind it. $12k isn’t chump change but the wow factor is strong, it’s a pretty little gem.

Our neighbors had two of the older 504s, and wow, those diesels sounded like a bag of cans being bounced down the street. Maybe these are quieter? Either way, $2500 doesn’t buy much these days, so Nice Price for somebody who wants something...unusual.