
Gotta love how Mercedes leans in to the “what would an awful, nouveau riche person with absolutely no taste want to drive?” market.

The worst part about dying in a private jet crash is that nobody feels sorry for you. Commercial flight crashes are sad because we’ve all been there. Die on a private jet? That’s what you get for showing off, fancy boy!

I hated SUVs until I started driving them. As a taller person they’re just much more natural to get in and out of. Plus since everybody drives them now it feels weird to be that low. Plus if we were inventing the car from scratch would they be that low? Look at covered wagons!

The important thing is that Madison got her text about the cute top she saw on sale at Zara.

Don’t they read Jalopnik?

Mayhem isn’t good but I get it. Throughout history there has been resistance to technology and change—Luddites, neo-luddites, anti-vax (long before the most recent crowd), anti-nuclear, anti-GMOs, data privacy. People get pissy when things they don’t understand or think they don’t want seep into their lives,

I still don’t get Teslas. Are they wonderful or terrible? There’s not another car that generates so much media devoted to both those opinions.

Meh, if you’re a quirky professor or raincoat-wearing detective without a long commute, go ahead and be that guy for under $5k. Nice price.

Aires in his name.

I think the seller is projecting his own failures onto the car.

Too soon.

Somebody once made a good-looking 4-door convertible. Apparently that’s impossible 60 years later?

Please. It’s the face of the kid you keep. This is the face you send to boarding school and summer camp because you can’t stand looking at their ridiculous puss.

All for just $70K!

This article should be called Another YouTuber Chases Fame by Wasting Everyone’s Time.

These days a kid would take a week off from school after a trauma like that.

Maybe the race clock was a fake.

Good thing nobody smoked pot that day.