
“I’m pro insurrection!” is not the greatest marketing strategy, and his other car probably rolls coal. ND.

At least now we’ll know who’s cheating on their diets!

...and then you have to walk home and flush your toilet ten times!!!

I won’t call it ugliEST, but the wtf look of many current Lexus models (and I get the feeling there are too many models anyway), surprises me. Cars have been around for over 100 years and we’ve seen what works as timeless beauty, and they come up with this? Awkwardness on four wheels, basically.

Ha, I’ve been through Olds, BMWs, Saabs and Fords, the 840 never left me stranded anywhere. In the ‘94 the 8-cylinder is the same as what was in the 740, nothing to fear but the usual BMW repair bill.

Just sold my daily driver 840 after 19 years. You have to find a good mechanic and the bills are never small, but overall one of the most reliable cars I ever owned.

If you’re looking for a cute investment to be the downfall of your pizza delivery business because the pies arrive late and cold (if they arrive at all), this is it!!!

I guess Shakespeare was a pesky lib.

I guess Shakespeare was a pesky lib.

So underneath the Happy Days makeover it’s still an unwanted Chris Brown.

They’re theater kids. Their lives are dedicated to bringing attention to themselves.

Next stop, WalMart for some cheap replacements!

Not just you. That overhang makes my eyes twitch.

Now playing

These same headlines were around in the ‘90s before Acela was finally launched in 2000 on the Northeast Corridor. The trains can improve, but it would take billions to improve tracks that have essentially been covering the same curvy route for 100 years.

What is this basket of eggs you speak of?

Kinda thought Gary would lean towards the BMW look.

I liked those simple, boxy, Escapes—the new ones are downright ugly. You could get a manual for several years, and the interiors, while not luxurious, were usually pleasant beige tones rather than the depressing black holes of too many cars today.