
Also, if you’re in the aisle seat and have set up camp with your laptop, drink and whatever other captain of industry bullshit, don’t get mad when somebody has to get up and use the bathroom. GTF out of the way.

Die for less!”
Marketing genius, that guy.

Well RJ, because your cars start at $73k (I make a good living but am not amused by your cartoon), AND my building’s garage has zero charging infrastructure, AND you’re suffering from Elon Musk I Am A Brilliant Sage Listen to Me Disease, I’ll be hanging with ICE for a bit longer.

Blah blah....rough air...blah blah...open borders...blah blah...Joe Biden’s fault.

What are you talking about? IT LOOKS MARVELOUS!!

It’s like he and Donny share the same decorator but Vlad told them to take it down a notch.

Tell that to Warren Buffet.

Nice, but I think Olds designed the better barge.

Hopefully it will be filled with relevant, engaging content designed to make (morons? the infirm?) say “WHAAAAAAA?” like these Taboola Feed articles on my current screen below these very comments!

the Chevy LUV, or “Light Duty Vehicle,”

I’d prefer a National Registry of Self-Centered Douchebags who see a simple, common-sense rule and immediately think of ways to exploit it for their own benefit.

They’re before my time but that Bel Air reminds me of how much I like those simple Post-War sedans and business coupes (before they got too garish in the later ‘50s) and think they’d be fun to update slightly (disc brakes, maybe fuel injection) and use as a DD.

I sure hope Australian dollars are worth 15 cents US.

Even Mayberry had its crazy rock guy.

Maybe, but having owned a few BMWs I kinda like the idea of getting my car serviced at a not-so-wallet-emptying Chevrolet dealership.

“how dare you let it rain excessively.”

Errr, “nice rack, cowboy?”

Can confirm, but I also see this when I’m back East, frankly—people flying along in the left lane at the same speed they always drive, especially in the SUV they believe is a magical vehicle immune to hydroplaning.

All that alone time and he couldn’t even think of a new con?

In 5 years...