
I thought the G90 might sell better as high-end livery—all the “Succession”-level limo companies buying them instead of S-Class and 7 Series since they’re cheaper and likely less finicky. But if the prices are rising, as you say, and really, most of those companies probably just migrated to Escalades in these

A shame the seller missed Peak Crypto—maybe a “friend of Tom Brady” wizard would have paid that.

We’re truly in an era of People Who Don’t Know When to Shut the Fuck Up.

Agree, it’s the voice. For months I read the BS coming out of this guy’s mouth, then once you actually hear it it becomes sadly comical.

I was waiting for a pair of pet lions to show up behind him.

Yup, I inherited my in-law’s base ‘98 Taco 5-speed, and have been using it as a bridge car after I sold my fancy classic BMW.

It must exist, because if you asked Donald Trump about Hambriston he’d say, 

Frankly, many/most Americans are just as leery of progressives as they are of these dipshit conservatives. Like it or not, America has always been a moderate country. The internet has given voice to “edgier” issues (Drag queens are reading books to kids!!!) that make good headlines, get candidates in the news and

Comedy has definitely become more confessional, like therapy as entertainment. I don’t think it’s just white guys, it seems like it’s everywhere in standup—my depression, my anxiety, my queerness, my addiction, my cancer, my dead person I loved, my awkwardness, my trauma—all mined for comedy gold!

Electric door handles...infotainment features...controls and displays...driving assistance features--oh, and new car powertrains.

“One minute it was fine, and the next 20 years it stopped moving!”

Just a heads up that this wasn’t meant to be taken literally.

A picture from the meeting...

Sheesh, way to hit a sub when it’s down.

They’re a steal!

Headlight and “frunk” pics, since my curiosity got the best of me. I’m guessing it’s a pain to load groceries into, since you can probably only open the frunk from the inside

Now playing

As the song from the same era says, it’s totally automatic.

What the Langmores would do with cartel money.

Agree, but I imagine being an ex-WWII pilot gives you a “why the hell not?” attitude about life.

Germaphobe Howard Hughes probably wanted to shoot them down.