
“Jayson was drinking beer and cleaning his gun and watching Yellowstone while driving his truck to vote against abortion and shoot up the Drag Queen Story Hour when being served.”

Why not Eflow?

Thats crazy talk! Now let me get back to defending Russia...

Nice Price because car design is so boring or just plain ugly these days that this is a reminder of a much more interesting era.

It’s Research n’ Development, a division of Playskool.

Hey, you can’t say you hacked renting if you still call it renting.

Time to reopen Alcatraz.

Yes. Waymos drive through my neighborhood and all I can think is how they spent Waymo than they should have on their test mules.

A similar issue is present on the exterior where a black-painted grille, aftermarket wheels, and lowering springs...All of those are changes that can be easily reversed so we should perhaps let them slide.

I want to see what I’m getting into before I actually get into it.

It has at least one fan!

Of all the cars in all the towns in all the world, they had to review mine.”

Yes. He should be doing The Music Man on Broadway, but while still on drugs.

If it’s too slow will owners ask “What passed this Prologue?”

“now I’m afraid to get shot”

Republicans are against it because it’s bi.

Guy probably watches “prank’ TikTok videos and thinks they’re hilarious.

To me this is every person everywhere, standing or strolling around without any spacial self awareness that they might be in someone’s/something’s way.

Yup, I love a good tan/camel as well, it makes the car so much more inviting. But yeah, check that box and your choices go to single digits.