He probably thought the Grand Slam cost a thousand bucks and wanted to show off.
He probably thought the Grand Slam cost a thousand bucks and wanted to show off.
160K miles is a lot of donuts.
Starting a car company isn’t easy, so in that sense Tesla is pretty remarkable.
Then there’s the fact that he’s kind of an asshole.
Then there are the wacky “self driving” accidents, panel gaps and steering wheel stories.
Then there’s that bland iPad bolted to the dash look, when it turns out people really do want some bu…
Although I REALLY wish SUVs like this still offered manual transmissions and this is the ONLY manual Tahoe on CarGurus in the entire great United States, $9k is simply too much. It’s a $4-5K truck.
Nice job, it looks great. Always nice when you put some time and anxiety into something and it works (eventually!). Then you’re glad it’s over and you get to actually use it.
Yes! It’s almost like DeSantis prefers print coverage. After reading so many quotes and articles about him I finally heard him speak this past summer and felt....that’s it? THAT’S the guy people think will be president? Between him and “let’s talk more about how wonderful I am” Trump, Republicans have a problem.
This isn’t to say that Jared from Subway: Catching a Monster is bad or ineffective. It’s just relentlessly unpleasant.
Yup. If they want people to think charging is as easy as getting gas, then make it like getting gas. All these companies are tripping over themselves to make charging the most modern!/hipster!/futuristic! thing you can do when they should be making it as dumb and easy as possible.
“...leaving the keys inside the vehicles...”
I’d love to do this. The real risk is if the boat itself is worth spending three years on. Obviously you’ll get to eat many meals “out,” but what if the onboard food isn’t great? Endless meals from the one kitchen can have a certain “sameness” to them (ask any convict). And that cabin in the pic is much larger than…
How is the Wrangler? Looking at a 2016 Sahara. People say they drive crappy (I’m coming off a ‘90s BMW and temp driving a little Tacoma 5-speed) but I want one—first the shorter one but thinking of getting the 4-door since it seems better for the occasional highway trips.
So one kid is bad at it and the other doesn’t like it. And you still want a ribbon for your “contribution?”
fyi not just younger folks
He’s quickly becoming The Least Interesting Man in the World.
Uhh, not sure I’d put it that way. Having the right to abortion is absolutely popular, and Top Gun, Starbucks, Samuel L. Jackson and pickleball are popular, but I’d never call abortion “popular.” It’s a tough, personal decision that everyone deserves the right to make.
In its defense, how is Florida supposed to keep its “Our Dumbest State” title if children have access to books?
It’ll probably be “an” AF1 not “the” AFI, meaning it’ll eventually be an option in the stable used for specific types of trips. Taxpayers will probably be okay with it because “Murica, motherf---ers!!!”