Are you saying long hair is now a female standard? I think the kind of hot girl from that show Dyke Detention (OITNB) would disagree. All I’m saying is having long hair is not inherent to femininity.
Are you saying long hair is now a female standard? I think the kind of hot girl from that show Dyke Detention (OITNB) would disagree. All I’m saying is having long hair is not inherent to femininity.
you’re literally talking about medical problems that require actual solutions and/or attention, and could all lead to death if not addressed. the only “problem” he/she has is that he/she would prefer to have a longer haircut. its preference.
Hold up, doesn’t the whole idea of sexism revolve around the idea that something is not equal, not respectful, or not fun for a gender (usually women)?
I mean, she broke up the beatles. He’s trying to break up the feminist movement. Shit runs in their family.
would they die without it? if not its not medically necessary
I’ll admit I don’t understand gender dysphoria at all. Just don’t get it.
the author writes for jizzebel. of course they’re only going to talk shit about men, and more specifically in this post, talk shit about men masturbating.
I think the only people that might be offended by it would be women. I can’t imagine any man having a problem with a woman masturbating, especially if she’s an 8+.
As if to prove every vegan stereotype, the vegan mentions being vegan...
you understand women can masturbate as well, right? or do you simply hate men so much that you completely disregard that fact?
A real life SVU? You know in that show (and every other Law & Order) they bring in a bunch of suspects and berate them until (hopefully) one of them forfeits their innocence and admits guilt. However, the story arc normally has them figure out the true criminal before a wrongfully-detained suspects does so.
damn girl lolol all I’m saying is you’re condemning him for something he said/posted (probably in an emotional state) online, and you’re saying that these views “can and might” lead to something else more dangerous. I don’t disagree that this could POSSIBLY happen, but that’s strikingly similar to the argument that…
I bet she was waiting for someone to come in for a mid-flight rendezvous
“A MAN PROBABLY PUSHED HIM OFF” -someone on this site
Why does there even need to be an article about this? he sounds like a dickhead, but you should climb off that high horse because you don’t sound like a very good person either from your story. It’s really hard to take someone seriously when they’re complaining about others being bad people when they have admitted to doing bad things themselves, albeit in a…
Cannot speak on low-ball offers, but Microsoft gives 12 weeks of paid maternity/paternity leave to their employees. So even if at the moment there is a wage gap, that’s still a hell of a lot of leave time compared to some other companies.
baseball sucks
Exactly! Thank for someone on this site being a voice of reason
What about engagement rings at least? That shit is even more one-sided and complete bullshit. When are women ever told to spend 3 months salary on something?