
Oh, absolutely, and I’m not saying someone’s past - good or bad - should be the determining factor in whether information about a new incident is credible to publish.

As a reporter who until recently covered crime at a similarly-sized newspaper to the Buffalo News, I’m perplexed as to how Croce’s account came to be presented the way it was. A story of this importance, even in this era of fewer checks and balances in newsrooms, had to have been read by several editors, all of whom

It’s probably not a great sign of things to come for this movie that this, the most positive (or, at least, most forgiving) review of it from the 10 or so I’ve read so far, begins and ends with a plea for no one to ever attempt a Fantastic Four movie again.

“We don’t know the extent of the damage. That’s the problem. I don’t know how many fingers he has.”

“Look at all this outrage over a dead lion, but where is all the outrage over the tom brady ballghazi dead babies.” - Marco Rubio

Seems harsh...

“No red flags? ... Maybe that’s the reddest flag of all, man.”

At first I was as skeptical as everyone of Broussard’s report, but Cuban seems to be protesting a bit too much at this point. This statement could be titled, “That Time When I Totally Knew Where DeAndre Jordan’s House Was (But Before You Ask, No, There Was No One There To See Me Know It.)”

Oh shit, it’s over now...

No worries, I’m sure Doc will replace him with either a blood relative or someone who was perfectly adequate playing center either for or against his Celtics team five-or-so years ago.

“Peas? In the guac? Fuck no.”

“LaMarcus, join me, and together we will rule the Galaxy!” - Emperor Popovich

I never said that it did apply to this issue. I was replying to Bill Tobin’s Neighbor’s comment, in which he brought up the libel standard, and misstated it.

Further facts supporting the Cat Zombie Virus Theory:

Via the Digital Media Law Project’s synopsis of libel standards, emphasis mine:

You’re misstating the libel standard. Celebrities, exactly the same as public officials, are considered to be public figures under libel law. Just being famous actually is enough. Celebrities are what’s known as “all purpose” public figures.

Soon to be LeBron’s favorite detour around Blatt Boulevard.

I mean, in hindsight, didn’t True Detective Season 1 kind of suck, too? For exactly the reason described here:

That’s fair.