
I kind of fell into it: I went to college planning on pursuing a career in law, but kind of dreading it. Journalism seemed more interesting, and I liked to write, so I took an unpaid summer internship at a small local daily paper and loved it, especially the competitive nature of it and how it was different every day.

I’m on the news side, but I’ve frequently done all of the above for criminal trials, city council meetings, press conferences, etc. It’s not THAT hard.

If only one of the Kardashians would kill a black, gay elected official for embezzling corporate funds, I could take a vacation!

This has always been my strong suspicion.

There’s probably a happy medium that needs to be achieved here. While I’d never use it as a primary source for anything, Facebook (and other social media) can be a valuable reporting tool, but I have noticed my younger colleagues over-relying on it.

As a young (late 20s) reporter at a newspaper, I agree that a lot of the Urich character’s dialogue was cringe-y, but for a much more depressing reason than its silliness: This is exactly how late-career newspaper journalists talk, or at least many of those I’ve encountered.

Turner. IIRC, he has implied he only wants to work somewhere with NBA broadcasting rights, and the Turner umbrella could use an expanded sports presence. And they’d let him do something like “30 for 30” in a heartbeat on CNN or wherever.

This whole “Memories Pizza” sideshow story is a trap and a distraction. All the media and internet are doing by going after this one particular yokel dining establishment is giving the right exactly what they need: A way to claim victimhood.