Jigsaw Complex

So are you denying that fake game girls exist? Because porn would like to have a talk with you...

... /facedesk

Seriously, EA isn't as bad as people make them out to be. So their ruined the integrity of almost every good company they got a hold of. So they are only out for profit. Duh, it's a company.

Besides the lobyists that control the country, just before that level is the women. Almost everything in this country is designed to please a woman and make her buy something by saying "Hey, it'll help you deal with your stupid man. Because men are stupid."

You know, I think finding this article here is very funny. Not because I think publishers would bribe kotaku or even that the writers here would take said bribe, but the part about bias.


I seriously can't believe what i just read. "small minority of people" are not the majority. They are also not "much larger population of opinion". You are the minority. You rushed through the game, didn't get enough galactic rating, and got a crap ending. This is your fault. Not Bioware.

Ok, so we have pretty much decided that the people like you who rushed through the game got a crap ending. This is anybody's fault but your own, why?

Polls of what? What does that have to do with anything?

This seems like something easy to arm chair developers, but do you guys even know how much money it would take to retain the actors, animators, mo-cap, story board artists programmers, etc?

Whitney got into drugs. That's a bad thing and doesn't say much for her character, but drugs are a hell of a thing and it's understandable.


I've never been to an ENT doctor before. I suppose i should look into it, but i figured it was just my allergies causing it. And yeah, I always had sinus infections, but moving to TN made it way worse. There's just something different about the pollen up here that kills me.

I have tried everything. The neti pot is suppose to be a preventative thing, but i know better by now then to believe that. I've had chronic sinus infections my whole life. In fact, since i moved to TN 3 years ago, they have been getting worse. The last one I had? My neck and tongue actually swole up. At the

When i was like 8 or w/e, Taco Bell had a contest for Batman and Robin. If you peeled the thing and got a pic of george cloony, you win i think it was a gocart made to look like the movie's batmobile. Well, eating lunch with the family and george is there under the peel. I hand the cup to my uncle and tell him what

The excuse that since a book is so long, to do the fans a service the movie needs to be two parts is BS. If you are going to sit there and say to me that Deathly Hollows and the end of the glittery teen harlequin saga would had had less people go to them because it was a 4-almost 5 hour movie, then you are a liar.

I've honestly been having fun the past week watching this play out. I mean, when they lead designer said "oh no! we have too much content! i hope it's ok!", i nearly doubled over in laughter. And the responses from people here? "Well, they seem sincere!" Ha! You guys need to learn how to tell a hunk of gold

That's pretty good that BW is fixing this, but they need to go the extra mile and replace everybody's copy. The replaced copies? They will have a signed apology by the person at fault.

I'm sorry, but do you really believe that? Who is gonna say "Oh god! We've got too much content!" as a negative thing? It's just more hype like every game does.

Let me tell you guys something. I went to highschool in Palatka, FL. Tebow played football in a highschool near St Augustine. He was home schooled and still got to play. People were kissing his ass even then. He comes from a well to do family and has been getting this kind of stuff all of his life. When Tebow