Jigsaw Complex

The falling dream was my enemy for years. From as far back as I remember to around 15. I remember when t stopped.

This should be shared like crazy. It shows that scientists are real people too. It's so adorable!

Can somebody explain why this is an issue? This is how things have always been. We're just growing into the era of "upgrade or screw you", and that's not a bad thing. How much money do companies need to waste because there's people who refuse to upgrade? Why should that hurt the people who have upgraded by

- Onimusha

I've said it before and I'll said it again now; WE did this to gaming. We're the ones buying the games. More importantly, WE are the ones who go from game to game with some sense that more is never enough. People use to stay with games. People didn't use to feel so entitled to something as to cause companies to

We can blame Nintendo all we want and say it's because they're taking too long to add DLC, but we're the problem. Gamers don't have the attention span that they use to. We're in an age where people complain about long games and swarm to the new flavor of the month. We are the reason almost every game has an online

Am I missing why Kotaku is trying to tell me that is a huge deal? Is this really such a civil rights problem that in the kind of story that Assassin's Creed runs with in the times of history that they go through, that there isn't a major female protagonist? You don't need to shoehorn every group into something for

Are you all honestly going to act like Watch Dogs is the different one here that's causing all of this? Nobody thinks that this stuff happens with any other sandbox game? That's the problem with a sandbox, any asshole came come in and piss in it to ruin the fun for everybody.

They're adding that with the Naxxramas single player expansion. First wing is free, and the others can be paid in gold or cash.

I'll probably get struck down hard for asking this, but why does everybody think this will be garbage? It's not going to be Schindler's List by any means, but I have no doubt that this will be a great action movie that's meant to just sit back and enjoy.

Has anybody at all scolded this kid for what he said? It's like everybody glosses it over. Should he be naked in a prison cell right now? No, but he should be on community service/road work duty for a few months.

While I don't believe that he deserves prison time, I believe he should be charged with labor to the state or something. This little brat and his parents always wave the flag of "Well they're just a kid! It was a joke!".

The bike is actually a purchase in the game. The actual bike. You can color it how you want.

Whether it be an animal, a child, or a disabled person; i believe you can judge the merit of a person by how they treat those who are helpless to their will. If you are cruel to those who can't defend themselves, then in my book, you don't serve to live.

Why is it now a days that as soon as somebody cries rape or assault, the person in question is guilty automatically? This is clearly an attention grab. The first one made the claim, then retracted it. And just 24 hours after he takes the retraction back (which i'm not sure why it's ok to do in the first place),

I often feel that I have an unhealthy interest in serial killers. As much as I hate humanity for all it's shortcomings, I find the way a person thinks to be astoundingly interesting. Serial killers are just so interesting to me for ways I can't really explain. I want to know what drives them. Is their creation one

Wow, Kotaku, haven't seen this kind of crackerjack article since the SWTOR or the last Mass Effect. WoW has over 10 million again, but facebook has more users! Well, Kotaku maybe have writers and articles, but you can find more integrity in your local newspaper.

I've always favored the Back to the Future theory where you create a tangent time line via your interactions. A seemingly infinite amount of possible tangent time lines seems complicated enough to actually be a thing.

I don't think The Expendables is all about "has been" actors. Yes, some haven't had such a good career recently, but that's because their genre of expertise; the action movie, has been dead for some time.

I don't get kotaku anymore. You just featured a review about TSW that literally had no negative lines in it. A rarity now a days from you guys. Then you make a post scathing it about being the buggiest launch ever.