Jigsaw Complex

I hate to be a nay sayer, but what makes this statement different then any other game developer blowing smoke?

I am all for cloning animals that went extinct due to human involvement. I'm even for cloning the mammoths. But i honestly think cloning a neanderthal would be one of the worst things we would ever do.

I'm sorry, but the fact that these women can keep their children after it's become nationally known what they do to them is nothing short of a crime to humanity. There are gays who can't adopt, and yet these hags can live through their children and do what they could never do?

Maybe it was glass, maybe shards of melting ice, but that intro seemed to belong to a REALLY dark Mr Freeze Batman flick.

Can we just go ahead and let the Chinese build our 9/11 memorial? I'm all for moving past it, but seriously, a hole in the earth after all these years is just pathetic.

I understand that. My question is why do the writers on kotaku have a stick up their butts about SWTOR. I guess DA2 REALLY pissed somebody off, because every article on this game is just so full of smug hatred that it makes me wanna punch somebody. In their last article on it, they couldn't just say we were wrong

You being almost every writer on kotaku.

So, i was just wondering... what did BioWare do to piss you guys off so bad? Basically if it has anything to do with BW since DA2, you've basically crapped on it.

I don't know if i want my rpg maker in my rts game. Though it could be chocolate and peanut butter.

Really? You're pregnant, don't want it, and Siri won't do your dirty work for you, so it's obviously pro life?

HAHAHA! 1000 friends? I routinely cull my friends list. I look and ask myself "Are you my friend?" And if there isn't proof that you are, you are part of the culling.

Oh... that's so sweet... too bad I'll have to hunt him down since he has clearly broken the code and gone renegade. I hope I get to them first before her master sends more Sith. I'll at least bury them together.

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

I'll make you a deal. I'll be 100% honest on the internet the day you and the rest of the government becomes 100% honest with us.

Kill it with fire. Kill it with fire. Kill it with fire. Kill it with fire. Kill it with fire. Kill it with fire. Kill it with fire. Kill it with fire. Kill it with fire. Kill it with fire. Kill it with fire. Kill it with fire. Kill it with fire.

Where were they when they great coyote genocide happened when Red Dead came out?

I'm sorry, but i gave the Wii a chance; two to be exact. In my opinion, the Wii is simply not worth the investment to keep it for a handful of one time playthrough games. Before i got rid of my last Wii, i was using it sparingly for Animal Crossing. I didn't use it like the DS or GC versions though. You know why?

Yeah... except for those times when the people who should be doing the arresting (cops) are the ones doing something worthy of being seen by the public and arrested for.

Reading this made two thoughts pass before me in this order.

Because it's america and freedom is like second to jesus to these people. Seriously, i once asked why does a civilian need a 50 cal sniper rifle that is used to shoot through cars and walls by soldiers to kill people, and they say cause it's america and we are free.