Jigsaw Complex

Ok. So all we really need is the guy from Dyson to buy Mad Catz.

Guy.. just go into the URL and remove the gallery part. Works for everything.

You made that sound so awesome.... 0.o

Yeah, you're completely right, but they're changing most fo that for GW2. While it will still be F2P, there will be a large persistent open world. Also, PVE will have a larger focus then before.

Now, i like Tera. I'm looking forward to it. But the titled Healer trailer shows no healing, and it's triumphant where as you get nastier and nastier with how you talk about TOR?


Completely agree with you, man. I grew up in America in the 90s. It was fun stuff. But of our course, everything was apparently so horrible, so we have what we have today.

How the f**k does that make any sense? I haven't seen anybody bring up the 40 and a mule in a long time. Glad to see some people still claw at it.

Almost every movie based on a book/show/game does this. They mutilate the source material or just forgot about it and do what they want with the license. They do this to get a larger group of people to be interested.

It's good to see Valve is continuing to expand the titles they have that were based on HL instead of ACTUALLY finishing their flagship title.

I will make a prediction right here and now. We will be teased with HL3 by certain trade marks and items appearing in TF2. Then, several months later, we will be on stage, at E3, and the room will fade to black, where the only thing on the screen... is the HL logo and the following year beneath it.

I miss Tron Bonne. She use to rub my feet and sneak around to see that Mega-Man of hers, and then she left me. TROOOOONN!!!

Ah, cool beans. That's what i though. I haven't payed attention to HL for years. Last i heard, episodes 1,2,3 were basically HL3. Was there never an episode 3 at all or did they just stop talking about it?

I haven't followed this in a while. Didn't Valve do HL2: Episodes 1,2, & 3 and at the time, didn't they say that was HL3?

This makes me think of the article the other day about aliens attacking us. I'm not going into the politics involved and the corruption and stupidity with the government, but how are we suppose to survive as a species if all we do is kill and use each other and don't try to find other means of energy? How can we

Oh, i'm sorry. Let me explain. I'm SUPER anal. If i can't watch it from the beginning, i won't want to watch it. I need to catch up on Weeds, Supernatural, and Game of Thrones. So i've never seen an episode of Eureka.

It really sucks. The only way i'll get to see it now is if i torrent the dvds. Want my best advice? Don't give up on cable. HBO and Showtime are the only networks with decent programming anymore.

"Proof positive that the majority of the so-called 'americans' are a bunch of whiny, spoiled, overprivileged babies who desperately need a diaper change."

Hell, discovery channel is putting out an episode of curiosity asking if we are prepared for an alien invasion. I mean.. such a question is just so stupid to me.

I think i need to just understand that this is ultimately a blog. These people are not journalists, and i shouldn't expect them to act as such.