Jigsaw Complex

"breath of fresh air in the stale MMO market."

I really don't see what the problem is. With some of the crap they have here, something a large crowd of people like wouldn't be too awkward.

I don't need scary music to tell me not to go into that basement. I've seen horror movies. Like, the "good" ones from the 60s-80s. I know where not to go.

He's gonna dress as Ant-Man just to mess with us all.

If he's in it, i'm willing to bet the audience at the theater is going to have to insert a $5 dollar bill into the special seats so they can see the dlc ending.

You mean make baseless assumptions based on any hype i'm being fed on or in your case and prejudices i have? No, no thank you. I think i'll keep an open mind and wait until i see things and make a decisions for myself.

You can't see it because nobody has. They haven't released any info other then the names of a few battlefronts and one raid.

Somebody show this to Rob Zombie so we can see this in Devil's Rejects 2

"So who do you think will be the villain of the sequel?"

No, just no. Go back and read every TOR article on Kotaku. Every one is seemingly written by somebody with a grudge against the game. Go back and read the article about the intro cinematic. They went as far to say that Bioware is deceiving people with these CG cinematic. You know, because every other game that

Christ, Kotaku! Really? You're one of the only sites with anythign bad to say about this game, and you're the only one who is basing all this from somebody who didn't want to play the game, and didn't play it!

The reason my friends and i can't get into Monster Hunter is apparently something that will never be addressed; the camera. Forget the clunky controls; we can get past that. But the only way the camera in monster hunter could be worse is if it was the resident evil/dino crisis camera.

And that's your opinion. Yours is valid, and mine is valid.

I quit WoW because i'm tired of the same communtiy, game, and things that i've seen and done for 7 years. I'm going to play TOR because it's new, and because of something WoW will never have; a Bioware story. If you don't understand that, then that's fine. But i would much rather play TOR, ME, or DA MMO then WoW,

Eh, just didn't really wanna have people be like "you're racists!" and start a gold selling argument with me. That market just plays MMOs differently then the European and american market.

Gonna have to agree with Blue and put my money on Bioware. Guild Wars 2 and TOR have a good chance to be the new top MMOs. Tera has a chance as well, imo, once they're done de-korean-ing it, lol.

Exactly. They lose kids to pachinko, let alone MMOs. Their losing american numbers because they're probably just tired of a game that's showing its age. That's why i quit.

Ok, this may or may not have anything to do with this article or similar articles, but does anybody know what charges would be brought up if somebody were to say... poison a water table of select cities/states with a compound that wouldn't hurt anybody, but sterilize them so said children wouldn't be endangered and

Do i need to be that ass that points out most of those numbers are chinese?

I don't remember saying there was nothing good. The few good games Nintendo makes are phenomenal, but most if not all of those are in house. You cannot deny Nintendo has weak third party support, and you can't tell me any of the following are great games.