Jigsaw Complex

Ok, i know i'm gonna get flamed to hell for this. Just remember i use to be a Nintendo fanboy.

Well that's another problem right there. Nintendo doesn't need to market all their systems (especially their mobile systems) around what a 5YO is going to play. That's a small window for a small market and everybody out of that small market doesn't have interest in pets spa 16.

Yeah, i totally get that, but Steam is only hurting their purse and their image.

Really, putting aside the Origins thing, i think Steam is really in the wrong here. I mean, with that logic, they should remove every game that doesn't give Steam the money for DLC. But no, they go after EA. I'm not really defending EA, but they aren't as evil as they use to be; that's be relocated to EA Sports.

You talking about bad CG? Did you guys see the Spider-Man teaser? Kotaku got it right. It's a crappy CG knock off of Mirror's Edge.

People really need to stow this fem shep vs man shep thing. It's just stupid. Play whichever one you want. Doesn't make you better or worse for it. Nobody gives KOTOR, or Elder Scrolls, or Dragon Age, or any other game where you can be male or female this much crap.

That was just terrible. I'm losing a lot of respect for BW. They keeping dangling that release date in front of us and handing us 4-6 month old info at every new release.

Go outside

Sorry. Freddy doesn't have 2 claws. /anal

Dear Nintendo,

That's just it though. Being sent to a horrible place is motivation to believe incase said horrible place exists? That's not real faith.

That's a terrible troupe argument christians always bring up. Saying you believe in a god just to cover your bases isn't believing. It also astounds me every time i see a christian be so un-christ like when anybody presents and question or conflict to them.

That's a terrible troupe argument christians always bring up. Saying you believe in a god just to cover your bases isn't believing. It also astounds me every time i see a christian be so un-christ like when anybody presents and question or conflict to them.

lol, i suppose to make america feel better, we can just call these Harlem Honey Bees.

Really? Are you kidding me? Remember what happened the last time somebody tried to make super bees? This is a scifi blog. Use your imaginations and you'll realize this is a terrible idea.

Really? Are you kidding me? Remember what happened the last time somebody tried to make super bees? This is a scifi blog. Use your imaginations and you'll realize this is a terrible idea.

I'll stick with Paradise until they update/top it, thank you very much.

Hey, you know that game we made a few years ago, Burnout Paradise? Didn't it do really well? Cool, for the next one, let's strip the series down to one aspect, it's most arcade like aspect that's worth a cheap thrill every now and then, and make the game nothing like one of our best selling installments in the

Do you know what would top that idea DC would have? One word: Thunderbolts

My first night i got promoted to one of the closing managers, my then new store manager told me of the time a manager in Jacksonville, Florida got robbed. They didn't "kill" him, they just left him in the back and accidentally duct tape his nose and mouth and he suffocated.