Jigsaw Complex

Totally agree. I don't hat things like this because of her, her voice, looks, or anything one of those classic reasons. She is just genuinely not original. Her theatrics and charisma are her main selling points.

Why am i finding out something that makes me hate this country more so close to the 4th? That's the one day of the year i can at least pretend to care i'm american.

Happy Thanksgiving!

I've been playing craptods on Battlefield Heroes and Dawn of War 2: Chaos Rising. Weird combo.

They aren't "basically" saying anything. Nintendo isn't bringing these games over because it doesn't match their plan for the Americas. Their plan being: oversaturate the market with minigames and "game of the week" titles. Nintendo doesn't give America real games because we keep buying the excuses

A better question would be do we still care about the horror of war? Would Vietnam be as shocking and horrible now as it was then? Would the Holocaust drive us to fight the enemy today like it did in WWII, or would it simply be in the news for 1-2 weeks and then bumped off for a fluff piece or the next disaster once

Once again, it boggles the s**t out of me that people are ok with this. I mean seriously, what is wrong with all you people? There people aren't getting punished, and it's only going to get worse. Besides that, they're setting the net neutrality movement back by a LOT.

THIS! I don't know how the hell people can support this with backward logic. It's freaking infuriating.

I mean, what court would rule your way if you broke into somebody's house (let's even say your front door was unlocked and i went around door to door checking for locks), got caught, and your excuse was "I was pointing out their security weaknesses?"

I mean, what court would rule your way if you broke into somebody's house (let's even say your front door was unlocked and i went around door to door checking for locks), got caught, and your excuse was "I was pointing out their security weaknesses?"

These girls were inebriated. Their actions murdered a human, a husband, a father. There are only 3 victims here. The hero who sacrificed his life for his family, and his wife and child who get to never see him again.

Seriously, i would support a bill to make hacking into other peoples sites and networks illegal. I support internet free speech and sharing things, but what they are doing is down right wrong. Nobody would tolerate this if they broke into an office and stole files...

Seriously, i would support a bill to make hacking into other peoples sites and networks illegal. I support internet free speech and sharing things, but what they are doing is down right wrong. Nobody would tolerate this if they broke into an office and stole files...

Cool, these guys were nice to Nintendo. What about Sony? What about all the people who had their info and credit cards stolen? Who was that helping?

I still don't understand how people can tolerate this, let alone support it. Hacking is the digital equivalent to a lot of things none of you would want to ever happen to you. Would you want a group of kids spray painting your house because you expressed an opinion? Would you want to be stuck up and have your money

O M G!

Why don't they do something worth while like fix ti to where PC users with an ATI card can play the damn game?

Garrus, Wrex, and Tali are the only 3 i care about to be on my ship. If they aren't there, i probably won't care enough about the galaxy to save it... AGAIN!

Wow... hmm... I think i'm done with Valve now. It's been how many years now waiting for Half Life 3? Yeah... thanks for the news break though. Glad your last single player game was a sequel to a puzzle game and ya know... not the culmination of your flagship title that's been 12 years in the making.

I have no problem with the way Bioware portrais sexuality in their games. I think they're very mature about it and it flows naturally. My ONLY problem in the department is a silly one. Why, WHY can i not romance Aveline?!