
My father drinks exactly one beer every year, a Heineken at Christmas. One year I went back for Thanksgiving and found five Heinekens in the basement fridge. Dad confirmed that it was in fact the same beer from last Christmas. "It's going to taste the same. Why throw it out?"

It looks pretty sweet now, but that tattoo is going to look AMAZING after another 40 years of working in the Florida commercial fishing industry.

I'll never handstand

Not if it's the 0.7, he doesn't. Thing is like trying to write with a goddamn paintbrush.

I had four of these on a mostly empty stomach one day several years ago. My now wife swears it's laced with magic mushrooms. Great beer. Would drink again if I was permitted to do so.

I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU JUST SAID THAT!!!!!! YOU ARE A....oh. Well played, sir.

Great, the Cardinals fans are here.

Whoa. Andrew Luck takes his off-season workouts pretty seriously.

If you dare criticize our QB for doing dumb shit on the field, you get called a "closet Falcons fan."

As a Jets fan, I am constantly referring to 2009.

Incorrect. 0 yards, 0 yards, 0 yards, -4 yards, 2 yards, 85 yards, 0 yards, 0 yards, 0 yards.

The shopkeeper and his son were a different story altogether... Barry Bonds beat them to death with their own shoes.

Jets fan here. Can't help but notice our offense isn't on this 'most suspended' list. Someone should probably fix that.

8. Opening scene of the original Transformers movie.

No.... that's ignorant.

My younger brother thought it was hilarious to do this to me over and over. He'd even laugh right through the beatings I'd give him for it. Goddamn infuriating.

Bitchiest faction of them all? Those of us who contend that the majority of voters can't tell the difference between bitchy and annoying/awful/loud/dense. Cyclists and Cardinals fans going out here is just a travesty.

"Butt plug!?! Fuck me."

Oh, you. +1

There's also a blanket inducted, which is fucking weird. That's DEFINITELY not a toy.