Or what, Neil Tyson will tweet at me?
Or what, Neil Tyson will tweet at me?
Big League Chew
Re: the email of the week -- Leitch?
Does the dog know his name is Pretzelcoatl?
They’re saying Boo-urns.
MLB instructed the home team to wear alternate jerseys so the president is the only obvious white national in the stadium.
Joe Westworld
I’m all for cosplaying as the 2009 squad, but putting CC in a high leverage spot and batting Brett fucking Gardner 3rd- two spots ahead of Gleyber Torres!- as they did in Game 3, might be going overboard. What I’m saying is I can’t wait to see Derek Jeter back out there missing liners that go four feet to his right.
Carson Wentz looks like if Thoros of Myr gave up fire-priesting and got a job as a middle-manager at a North Dakotan hunting lodge.
“I didn’t know NFL teams had homecoming games,” he said. “I thought that was a high school thing.”
Brewers fan here.
“10 runs in the first inning? Not great, not terrible.”
...take 2 Dolphin Games and call me in the morning.
Sports talk guy: This Jets fool better have a steel spleen.
For the sake of his sister’s health, let’s hope the Jets don’t tie on Sunday.
Just saying “it’s a business” when someone/some corporation does something shitty doesn’t absolve the person/corporation.
I live in ATL too and the thing is that at this point EVERY city (north and south) is an island of blue in a sea of red. The is no starker divide in the country right now than urban vs rural which makes for a very interesting dynamic if this were to play out the way people think it could.
Listen, I realize this is home of the wingnuts here on Splinter, but no one is starting anything. This country has no appetite for a civil war, on either side. Life here is way too good, no matter how many riled up idiots on the fringes think otherwise.
But it turns out Acuña’s own teammates are mad at him over a completely different baserunning issue