Michael Smith

That's Meth Damon, not Fat Damon. Or are they the same!

I don't like this song, but I worked in retail for years, so I heard it at least seven or eight times per day for thirty days. If you want a truly annoying scream-along Christmas song, try "All Alone on Christmas": https://www.youtube.com/wat…

I stopped watching this movie after the "hero" poisoned a man to death. Is this what we're teaching our children? To use poison to solve their problems?

I love shows where a sympathetic cop protects an outcast! Let's list our top 500.

I paid a nickel to take a photograph with John Dillinger's corpse. That was the price of a loaf of bread, a coke and four gallons of gas, but it was still a good deal!

She's the Thunderlips of our generation.

…costarring Zach Galifianakis as some famous, fictional black character defined by his race.

…costarring Zach Galifianakis as Fred Sanford.

…costarring Zach Galifianakis as Malcom X.

Do I even need to ask if the car that struck him was a Prius? Because that's what I'm doing; I'm asking.

As long as he doesn't kill off that sweet twink Tommen.

More Tim Roth, less certain other people, please.

It's not confusing if you know your history: Don Rickles began his career as a midwife in Yorkshire.

I knew a guy in the Navy who was named Joyce DeWitt. Or maybe it was Joe Smith. Can't really remember.

Great…article? Blip? Nugget?

As a child, Hulkamania ran wild over me. Then, Stone Cold whooped my ass and the Rock said I had to get better. And then…well, I guess that's it for my pathetic attempt at a joke. Please upvote.

Christians would be better off clamoring for another "Oh God…" sequel. Is Rich Little still alive? He could do the George Burns part.

Yeah, in the director's cut Lucas ends up introducing the kids to Kiefer Sutherland, a vampire he knows from his days in Santa Carla.

I need a sequel to 'Dante's Peak', of course. Nothing else is relevant.