Michael Smith

I think Geordi was meant to be gay, but they weren't quite ready to take that step in the early 90s.

Damnit. You're making me miss my childhood. I think I left it on a pirate ship in Astoria.

Yeah? You know what happens when you suppose: you make a pespos out of u.

I don't own a television and never will. Is this some kind of "show"? I suppose it's what passes for entertainment, these days.

Not a defense, but sometimes the therapy does more harm than good. "She's a monster and you're a victim! Agree with us, goddamnit!"

In regards to "high fives instead of counseling" for boys who have sex with their teachers, has it ever occurred to you that maybe some of these teens aren't victims and actually enjoy the sex they're getting? The world isn't black and white.

Madam, you told me it was Cholera that stood between our love, your steadfast sister even having wrote to tell me of it finally separating your spirit from your mortal shell one dreadful night. Yet here you are, as alive and spry as ever! Is it the Devil's trick? Are you a shade come back to torment us? Or worse…did

I didn't realize that the original 'Uncle Buck' was so popular with the black folk. Coming up next, 'Sanford and Son', starring Ted Danson and Jim Parsons.

Would Patrick Bateman be happy working in a hot, dusty office in Phoenix and eating at Arby's every night? No. He'd rather be in New York, getting an 8:30 rez at Dorsia. I don't blame Downey for not wanting to sacrifice professionalism and comfort to slum it up for industry cred he doesn't want or need.

Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Lost, Mad Men, etc. I don't watch any of those shows, but it probably has more to do with me being too fucking hip to watch TV. I use those hours to aimlessly browse the internet, instead.

If I killed myself for every time I've been made fun of in my life, I'd be dead.

I was able to purchase Zod's prison from this catalog. It's just a spinning, two dimensional square.

If something is terribly, terribly unfunny, I'm usually out before 3 minutes.

So they'll make a new Ghostbusters, casting it with today's hot stars, and no one will remember it in ten years because they won't have the chemistry and "je ne sais quoi" that Murray, Aykroyd and Ramis had from working together for so many years. Let it be.

*Zany movie announcer voice*: "Peter Parker's got two big goals this summer: saving New York from Doctor Octopus…and gettin' laid!"

I can't wait to not see this. I hope they don't trot out the surviving cast members for sad cameos. Even Rick Moranis would be too much. I suppose they could bring back the guy who owned the horse and wagon: "What an asshole."

'House', that William Katt horrocomedy from the 80s. I'd like to see that redone, but with less laughs and more focus on a grieving father slowly going insane in the gothic house he inherited.

Don't be that hipster who buys a ticket to see the trailer, claps and then leaves before the movie starts. Your family thinks you're stupid and your friends don't really care when you tell them.

He should film a long, boring romance set in the 1800s with no twist at the end. The audience would leave confused, and his revenge would be complete.