Michael Smith

Is this movie about me? I always fancied myself to be the last jedi.

"…causing Hollywood executives to call meetings to discuss how they could
have underestimated the popularity of an uplifting prestige drama
featuring familiar and beloved actors simply because its protagonists
are neither white nor male," wrote the sassy A.V. Club journalist, imagining a room full of stuffed shirts

Something something Russia something Trump!
- Journalism

I really don't think anyone will care, Sam, but if it makes you feel better to create imaginary enemies that will wilt before your withering scorn and righteousness, I say go for it!

What will Michael Ian Black do?

Meanwhile, all types of Metal were flourishing overseas.

I don't really find her funny. Please don't ban me, AV club.

Also, Vincent Gallo would like you to know that 'The Brown Bunny' is brilliant and refreshing.

Not before he shows off that smooth, twink ass, I hope!

I wish I had the kind of life where I truly cared about who should or shouldn't be cast in a movie role.

Oh good! I was afraid Will Smith wouldn't win an award, thus forcing the ceremony to be boycotted. They probably told him way in advance.

The entire last season of 'Boardwalk' was pedestrian, thanks to them killing Michael Stuhlbarg's brilliantly portrayed Arnold Rothstein during the off-season. I watched it, but it wasn't nearly as interesting.

Pay It Forward was horrible. It turned me into that crazy person that yells at the TV. I never wanted this.

Pay It Forward was horrible. It turned me into that crazy person that yells at the TV. I never wanted this.

No, Disney is missing the point, but the point will be made clear to them once they've shoe-horned in some cringeworthy scene where a gay character comments on how hot Finn looks today, or something of that nature, and audiences either groan or sigh. There's a right way to portray gay characters, but Disney doesn't

Why? Who cares about the sex lives of Star Wars characters??

They'll have to appeal to a new generation, so I suppose the captain will have like 5 different genders, the first officer will be a black lesbian deaf womyn, the chief engineer will be a furry or brony or whatever, and the evil galactic empire will be made up entirely of white males.

Some presenter with purple hair and 5 different genders: "And the Oscar goes to…Will Smith, for Bad Boys 4!"