Michael Smith

Someday, Star Trek will be real, but we'll all be dead! I hope they find this message board saved away in some memory coil. Then they'll know how much we loved the future!

To his credit, King's books are always much better than their movie/TV adaptions, but "The Shining" is the rare exception (and "Salem's Lot", to a lesser extent, with its creepy as fuck flying vampire child).

It's already implied that the boy in the bed is the monster, as he's got the last shot, so go for the gusto.

"Of course", as that character says twice in about ten seconds and with the same inflection, but with a few changes it could be truly chilling.

Well as it is, babe, it's more confusing than creepy. Toss in some bland acting and you've got a wasted minute! Better luck next time.

Would have been better if the kid under the bed was bruised and trembling, and the kid in the bed had a creepy adult look on his face at the end. Not bad, though.

Yes! Truest depiction of the horror of war, ever!

Meh, I've got like two or three. I have a silver platter signed by Saladin (my ancestors were living in Jerusalem when it was sacked) and the original copy of the Declaration of Independence which has John Witherspoon's autograph.

Requiem is my favorite overhaul, mostly due to the combat being much deadlier. Immersive armors and weapons makes smithing more fun, and as far as a place to live, try White River Cottage!

Keep these cretins away from our children. Can they have a "single adults" showing to weed them out?

Tim Roth.

We need to lock up those old men guilty of computer crimes! "Marijuana dealers", too! Otherwise, how will Aramark and the prison industry keep their profits? Lock em up! In fact, we need more minimal security facilities for jaywalkers and backtalkers. State of the art? Yes, please! We're creating jobs, folks.

As a radical liberal feminist socialist, I won't rest until Christmas becomes Abortionmas!

Make sure to play Suikoden I, II, III and V (skip IV, it sucks) as well. That series has memorable characters and grown-up plots.

I was also a 'Golden Girls' boy. Maybe it's because I loved my gramma so much.

"That story-in-story carries back home, where treasures must be hidden
from the ogre and the princess lies dying, trapped in muslin and lit
like a moth caught in a shroud."

'Smells Like Teen Spirit' was the only song of theirs that I liked (I was a teen, too). I was more of a Pearl Jam/Alice/Stone Temple guy. LIKE IF U AGREE!!