Marie Fury

While I agree with you in general, I dont think its necessary to tie Erin into this. But yes, professional sports is the most ridiculous thing imaginable. It is truly a cult, a religion, with its priests, acolytes and followers. I cannot even begin to fathom the level of devotion one must have to watch sports shows

Bette Midler is on fire. She has me thinking about putting aside my walker and cane long enough to actually join The Twitter.

How could he not know about Milk?! & I think that film did a little more as far as SHINING A LIGHT on that community then your shitty as song taking home an award, YA GOOF!

I really think people should stop criticizing Sam Smith for what was a simple and understandable slip of the tongue. And I can say that with a little bit of gravitas as the first openly gay man on the internet.

Most undeserved Oscar of the night, holy shit. You have Leo, and that 87 year old Italian composer for that matter, coming back year after year for a chance and here comes some newish dude waltzing in, getting it on the first try, and he doesn’t even know who in his community has won an Academy award, making it all

“It’s red sugar water that heathens put on sausages, your majesty.”

The Queen holding two condiment bottles looking befuddled “Ketchup......Catsup.....Ketchup........Catsup....what madness is this?”


I was dying at the Internet freaking out about Leo’s win last night.

Lorde is a middle-aged man from Colorado. A geologist, I think.

There is precicely 0 chance of that Oscar not ending up in an orifice by the end of the week.

I don't even mind Leonardo DiCaprio, but I just wanted him to lose so, so, much. And for Mad Max to win Best Picture. But I'm one of those people who can't have nice things.

I know. But given that having your period adds an extra layer of prohibitive touching, it seemed like a particularly obnoxious act of retribution.

Bonus, women are usually less stinky, for the most part.

Gender segregation sounds like a terrible idea in principle, although I have to say that an all-female section—where I could count on not being aggressively hit on by any sleazy, manspreading, self-important buissness-types at least a decade too old for me—sounds pretty appealing.

I’ve never flown El Al, but I’m 1000% certain that if I had ever delayed a flight by refusing to sit in my assigned seat, any airline I’ve ever flown would have responded by getting my ass off the plane to let rational people get to their destinations. They need to stop accommodating bigots.

Is there a reason why the guy with the problem isn’t moving? If he has an issue, he should move, right?

werd. i always wonder why more rich and famous people don’t do stuff like this, be like, great guys i can live fucking comfortably for the rest of my life without any more effort so i’m just gonna be over here doing whatever.

Just asked my boss if I can take a month off for personal development. She rolled her eyes and kept walking. :(

On the one hand, taking a sabbatical for personal development is the height of class privilege. On the other, this is about the best thing she can do with her time.