
Myles, thanks for the thoughtful critiques and the interaction with us posters. A housekeeping question for you; are they ever going to fix the commentary section so we can track responses to our posts? Thanks.

In general these new serial productions seem hell bent on destroying the narrative value behind Chekov’s Gun. In an effort to drag stories and increasingly incoherent plots out to ten or more weeks of television, writers have abandoned and abused this important principle. Now we are routinely seeing red herrings and

I disagree that writers surely thought of everything. Maybe good writers do, but the incredible need and short time frames allowed for content in this streaming age has thinned the talent pool. So much stuff is hack quality, inane ego productions (half of Nicole Kidman’s projects and most star projects) and/or

The whole grading concept is weird. Is it an “A” based on the most perfect of shows being an “A”, or is it an “A” based on the limited expectations for THIS show? Grading anything in the fine arts is weird in general IMO. I hated “Battles of the Bands” when I was in amateur music. It would turn a rocking evening in to

Well it’s about a sports team. It’s like having a hospital drama where sick people don’t matter and no one ever dies, even after they’ve been pointed out to have been diagnosed with Stage 22 cancer. After awhile you stop giving a shit about anything they present to you.    Staring blankly at a screen waiting for

Most excellent review sir. You’ve summed up my feelings very well. I streamed it, but I had the same enthusiastic response at the outset of season one, but steadily find myself disappointed with only the Season 2 finale to go. If it wasn’t for the superb cast, this thing would just be a story-telling dumpster fire at

The fact that I’m streaming the episodes in rapid succession has made it less enjoyable with each passing episode. After two in a row I just want Ted to STFU. The jokes and puns have become an annoyance, whether intended or not. I just stop paying attention to his scenes. It’s damn near impossible to write that many

No worries, I ‘m sure Five Finger Death Punch will cover all their hits in his absence. 

And The Rock walked away silently wondering to himself what chuckling pasta has to do with anything.

Oh man, body odor stories. Those visceral memories stick. (On topic but off -topic..) ....In our final primary year of Catholic school eight grade, us boys had to wear coats and ties in and un-air conditioned school. It could be absolutely sweltering and downright nasty with boys whose sweat glands were kicking in to

I feel like the airport police are just above the hotel detective, who was out of sight.

Airport police? Sounds like a good place to commit murder or some complex fraud.

I totally understand the sports yips. I suddenly found I could not jam a basketball. I went to a sports psychologist and he told me it wasn’t a disruptive fear of embarrassment, or even a fear of falling, but rather I was 5'-6". 

It’s a known fact that employers cannot staff up because so many people are out and about doing their own research. I can’t wait until mankind begins to benefit from all this altruistic scientific effort from Karen and Jimbo. I think a beef jerkey-scented TV remote is right around the corner. No more losing that bitch

There’s an iteration where “ghoti” = “fish” with all the parts of “enough”, “women”, “nation”....

Eye dew knot no.  English iz you zully sew ez stand/too.    :)

Except when we were getting priest-sodomized.

“Derailed” a press conference? Most people didn’t get the joke or appear to even know who was speaking, or, didn’t who Norm Macdonald was. It was a great joke though, classic Norm Macdonald, but all it did was get some awkward chuckles from “sports journalists” - two words that should never be used together.

Ok, I took the bait. Now I cannot unhear “mayzure”. 

He strikes me as someone who simply shouldn’t be doing press junkets. Doesn’t suit him. He was wearing it on his sleeve and jumped her shit for ASKING A QUESTION, not making a judgment. She didn’t profess he should “shut and dribble’. She didn’t say he shouldn’t have a political opinion. She was giving him an