
I'm pretty sure Edgar Allan Poe only managed to die of rabies there. Death is one of Baltimore's biggest industries.

John Snow to Dany, "Winter is coming. And you will be, too."

After her confession, I really wish Jaime Lannister would have told Lady Tyrell that was only vodka that he poured in her glass. Would have been AWESOME.

We now know that Worm definitely learned how to compensate.

They'd have had to shift time back to where Bran would have JUST missed Jon Snow's resurrection and exit from the Wall, and even THAT would be a major stretch. To think the girl was just dragging him around yards ahead of an undead horde is a major plot fail, so they've just kind of punted on the whole thing. That's

The Bran storyline is a continuity nightmare for the writers. While everyone else's actions have magically been compacted to a long weekend, Bran would have necessarily had to have been dragging behind that girl, 100 yards ahead of zombies, for about a year now. Foreign rulers have been summoned and have managed to

These are fictional female characters, writen by men, who apparently think women being fucked by murderers and losers " gives them agency". It's crap, exploitive writing.

Even giving them that, this has been going on for years. And when they get to the apogee of the storyline - that's all they could come up with?? He basically MURDERED her husband, but all the distraught widow was about from day one, YEARS ago, was hate fucking? It made it all pointless since there was no narrative

"She tells him she already knew, and she’s been fucking him because she hates him, not because she loves him." One of the dumbest plot devices ever. And this has gone on for YEARS. It's not like she seduced him once just so she could laugh at his tiny wee-wee. But not to be outdone, probably another writer

Shoving the Secretary of State down the stairs…Really? It was one time that I was praying some lazy writer WAS hitting us a cheap dream sequence.

Man oh man, this is getting bad. I just discovered the head writer split this season, so that explains a lot. Like most great shows, the real, originating writing talent moves on and the stock Hollywood hacks get hired to ride out the wave writing dreck. Here's what we have this year:

Don't speak about ? What? But you are okay with TV writers utterly romanticizing their actions?

Some smug POS called Tsunami has replied that I'm just another person who doesn't know anything about suicide…. Well, you ain't going to be sitting down for awhile Tsunami because I'm about to tear you a new one. Ever had to hospitalize your teenage son three times for suicidal threats? Ever had to call 911 and race

Sorry, but I'm not cool with the scubacide storyline. What, just felt like committing a little suicide today Laurie? Screw my kids who love me? They'll manage? What a self-centered, heartless attitude this displays. The ridiculous foreshadowing speech by Nora, which is totally off-the-cuff yet technically perfect in

Awesome show throughout. Even the opening music was worth listening to every week. The one curious thing to me is that there was really no crime in the ending death, so I don't know why everyone freaked out about covering for her. The punk is beating the snot out of his poor wife and the other woman run over and

I watched the series from beginning to end, and remained a fan, but I have to be honest; like so many other shows, they lost their way with mindless or unplanned backstories and plotlines that were poor or went nowhere. I have always felt that the writers that make a new show a breakout hit or ground-breakingly

Overall a good ride, but the finale was a disappointment. The Kurtwell resolution was extremely disappointing as Lenny did the same thing that the Church has been doing so wrong for centuries; that is, passing known pedophiles on to unsuspecting congregations. Ozolins got the same punishment for being a politically

Well, Ramsay DID have it all over Jon Snow as a tactician and battle planner. If it hadn't been for those sneaky writers bringing the reinforcements from behind curtain number 2, Ramsay would've sealed the deal easily over Jon Snow.


At least Nick-the-Grimm found some gravitas in the big fort showdown, as senseless as a plot element as it was. Think about it; Trubel disappeared for umpteen episodes and returns as a world-traveling bad-ass, Wesen-slaying machine, with intimate knowledge of an entire HW organization (in Portland no less) and World