
He implied he was nothing just before he died, which further emasculates Nick IMO, as Meisner could outfight Nick-the-Grimm any day of the week.

THAT was hysterical. Classily produced yet juvenile and hysterical. Awesome. I missed the lawn mower the first time around.

Summers produces Restaurant Impossible, and has finagled that dying show to get himself on the air every week in some capacity.

At last we know….who let the dogs out.

Were you watching something else for the last five weeks? This was hardly the same old X-files…unfortunately.

This took me back..let me say how…..Sequencing DNA and creating bags of vaccine - in about an hour, like an old photo processing kiosk. Remember those? Did she or Einstein have a DNA sequencing app for or something? The free version ran Cialis ads, but they coped because they sequenced so fast it didn't fucking

Humorless?? MY FUCKING HANDLE IS YYYASS (WISEASS) YOU DOLT. It was a shit production and you're a fanboy who just wants to be contrary. I love X-files in general, watched every episode ever filmed- but this sucks hairy balls by any standard. If you think writing an episode that immolates innocent people and follows

Great commentary in here. Much better than most of the formal reviews, in fact. This episode was a steaming pile in so many ways. You can appreciate their token absurdist episode if that's you thing, like the Were-person whatever, which I still thought to be awful, but this thing was an insult to every viewer's

This was the X-files equivalent of "Spider Man 3". NOT a good thing.

I'd have loved it if Frank jumps the dude who wants his suit, and all the Cholos reflexively draw and fire on each other in a circle, dropping like dominoes all around him, leaving him free to drive away. It wouldn't have been the most ridiculous thing to happen in this shitstorm of a story.

So much wasted potential on this show. Someone wrote that the offspring of a Thirtysomething writer is a writer, and it shows. They're stealing the slow-death storyline and in general have been writing Hollywood schlock for a few seasons now, like they're not even trying. It also appears the cutbacks to cast hours and

On a personal note, if they're really going to kill someone off, I hope Zeke passes in his sleep in his easy chair like my dad did. I can just see one of the characters, (probably Adam) walking in on him "sleeping" and then realizing he's just gone. Probably a quiet little emotional scene on scale with the show. I

The acting is far outperforming the writing and production in this final season. I wish they could take most of these performers and move the show on a cable network. The plot lines have gotten absurd and the sets are bordering on soap opera-quality in regards to lighting and general fakeness. Hattie's a vanishing