Michael Demko

I have to have missed something. Didn't they clearly announce that Matthew McConaughey and Adele were finishing out the year on 12/26, DURING this episode? This definitely wasn't the last episode of 2015.

I totally get this now, as a caretaker. I'm in Jimmy's shoes, every day. It took me awhile to get there, and even now, I sometimes slip back into my old 'problem solving' mentality, but I've gotten better as just being there as a comfort, than as a solution.

My mom always called it the 'Intendo'. I can't count the number of times I corrected her.

Hoooooly crap… that's a LOT of Gobot information. I remember having a ton of Gobots because we couldn't afford the Transformers. I always found it weird that there was such a huge disparity in price between them. But good on you, Adam, for being able to obsess so much over these sorts of details.

And Adam F. Goldberg routinely posts in the Goldbergs/Middle conversation here as well. AVC is definitely the place to be!

"It Follows" isn't exactly what I'd call 'terrific, though. I wasn't a fan of the completely incomplete story that movie tried to create. "Walter", however, though in the end, a bit clichéd, felt like a whole story, with no pointless questions to be asked, immediately following the close of the movie.

You have, quite literally, defused the Adam Bomb. :-D

So you're saying NOBODY calls you CHICKEN?

I've gotta say, I've always been perfectly fine with the non-linear (and even sometimes nonsensical) timelines on The Goldbergs, but Barry's truce on the sibling war being based on the Berlin Wall coming down broke my suspension of disbelief for the first time. The fact that that event is so TIGHTLY tied to (quite

I wonder if her middle name is Joan.

I think he's referencing how Raina looks now, since she basically looks exactly like Madame Vastra with humanish-colored skin.

He understood, and could put down on paper, the minds of kids and teenagers better than anyone I know. I don't know how he could write females as well as he did without some sort of outside help, because… damn!

Holy crow, that would have been AWESOME. No one EVER puts that much thought and prep into sitcoms these days. There's very rarely continuity of that stature, because it often leads to comedy writers having to try and write themselves out of corners because it would be better for a gag if such-and-such weren't true. I

Oh, that was an episode of 'You're the Worst'! Gretchen thought that Cameron was the movie's antagonist, not Principal Rooney. LOL

In addition to the run, you also need to bring back Barry driving the van and gleefully doing the A-Team theme song!

OK, that might be the most amazing pilot pitch I've ever seen. Seriously, I haven't stopped laughing at this since I loaded it up 10 minutes ago. I'm pretty sure my wife is getting ready to commit me. :-D

The A.V. Club has a new permanent member, simply because the above is a true fact. I love this show even more (if that was possible), because its creator and inspiration takes the time to mix it up here with the fans. Good on ya, Adam!

Ah, thanks FF - I hadn't seen any of the commercials ahead of time. Just looked one up on YouTube. That's awesome. I'd love to see what that scene looked like in full.

Firstly, Mr. Goldberg - this was an AMAZING homage, and I'm positive that John Hughes was smiling down at you last night for this fantastic effort. I love the shot comparisons. I was *slightly* worried when you had Adam make the parallel between himself and Hughes last night, but it was completely saved with the

He's a loner, Netflix. A rebel!