Michael Demko

Yeah, and I'm still wondering who the hell the guy was, in the end scene of that boat capture. The two of them stared at each other (and ran at each other fiercely) with a look of serious recognition, but not a word has been breathed of that guy since the episode.

The colored water in bottles thing is actually a pretty common thing in bars nowadays. Especially the ones where the bottles are being underlit like that. My impression from that scene wasn't that the staff was filling the bottles with water, but that Penguin was too naive when it came to running bars that that's how

I also got flashbacks of TDK's bank robbery scene, and half-expected a bus to come barreling through the front door before they left the bank. LOL

I felt exactly the same way… I'll give the showrunners this much: they've got a way of picking out people I like to play villains of the week on this show. Now… if only there were a way to rid this show of Fish completely. I just keep thinking that somehow, it's a season-long joke leading up to the punchline: "And

When the eye hits the floor
Then you stomp it some more
That's a Mooney!

Well yeah… that's a given. My kid ever brings home a Eagles or Redskins fan? Let's just say I live in Florida, and crazy things happen here ALL the time. :-D

Dude, I also had no idea you did Breaking In, but now that it's been said, I can't UNthink it, because of the sense of humor and some DEEP pulls from pop culture history on that show. It's right alongside Selfie as one of my favorite cancelled series of the last 5 years, easily. You put together some of my favorite

Dude! That would have been epic! It's so weird that the song and the dance are protected separately, though.

My 'clueless parent' moment was the Christmas my mom bought me Snoop Dogg's 'Doggystyle' as my very first CD. Yeahhhhh…

Being a Cowboys fan myself, I found last week's episode to be completely relatable, only from Lainey's dad's point of view. I didn't think the hilarious moments from last week would be topped so quickly… but I think Barry singing the theme from the A-Team so gleefully has to be the funniest thing I've seen on TV this

Did you ever consider that maybe T.J. Miller *ISN'T* playing an entirely different person? I do believe that Miller playing Deadpool's internal voice could be fantastic comedy gold. Ryan Reynolds and him, riffing off one another in Deadpool's head, would be an amazing thing to watch, in my opinion.

Well, if he references his love for movies with colons in the title next week, then we'll have our answer, won't we?

I half-expected them to pull Juice's corpse out and give it a good final rogering during that final montage.

My wife made an off-hand jokey comment last night, that might have actually revealed a much deeper meaning, because it's the exact sort of thing that Sutter would do:

There actually WAS a real-life Lobster Boy, here in Gibsonton, Florida (known locally as 'Home of the Carnies'. The story of the REAL Lobster Boy (up to and including his death at the hands of a hitman hired by his ex-wife, known as The Electrified Girl) would easily creep anyone out as much as AHS has done so far.