Michael Crider

Even as a child, I thought the idea that “girls are scary because they have cooties” was weird and dumb. Never would have thought it would become a philosophy for grown-ass men.

Always fun to use this twice in a day:

Afeela bad for that terrible car name.

I just hate these kinds of responses. Just say the truth “we gotta cover these up so we don’t get age restricted or cancelled”. Don’t try to sell it as if it’s because the players want less revealing outfits, if you’re a fan of asian MMOs with an anime inspired character design you know what you’re getting into

I didn’t think the cop skin itself was weird but I must say the addition of the “Turning off body cam” emote, adding auto-lock aiming against Doomfist, Baptiste, Ana, Pharah, Sojourn, Sombra and Symmetera, and any Cop Tracer “Play of the Game” is now just a clip of her guest appearing on Sean Hannity is definitely a

I love how this parallels Denji rn in the manga. You know Denji spent a lot of time planning to get a blue checkmark for his Chainsaw Man Twitter account just for Elon to fuck it all up.

To imply that the rich don’t have massive (extremely direct) influence on what we, the people, can actually achieve under the governmental rule we find ourselves born in to is suspiciously naïve.

I mean its fine if you want to have all white people in your story, it’s just disingenuous to be like “yeah they’re all white because something about regional isolation” instead of “they’re all white because I don’t think black people should be in it.” 

Who are we? We’re the people that buy and play the games. We’re not forcing anything on “Japan” a country of many millions of ppl most of whom don’t give a shit about JRPG’s.

We’re telling the ppl who want us to buy their shit how to get it done. 

And yet you live in society. Curious! (I am very smart).

There’s nothing more pathetic than some incel simping for Musk. Seek help.

And I thought this was going to be a list of republicans.

There was a “Daredevil Hallway Fight” for his fans, and Jen messed it up before it got good.

WOW. Not since the somewhat underrated 2004 film The Ladykillers have I seen/heard the word “sackbut” used in its proper context.

Arkham Asylum came out in 2009. The fundamentals of sexual harassment policy and basic workplace ethics had been in place by then. I agree social attitudes have moved forward since then but “Don’t comment on your female coworker’s body parts” was pretty firmly established as a bad thing at this point.

It’s not just that. It’s a combination of factors. You should watch the Gamers Nexus video, he goes over a lot of it.

From trying to lift a load of bullshit. Should have used his knees.

“New Switch hardware coming” is a hell of a way to word “there is a slightly differently colored Switch dock and controllers to tie in with the game”.

Actually it is. I met my ex on there.

It’s a dating site. Not wanting to be fucked with doesn’t mean anyone thinks they’re owed anything. It's reasonable to expect on a dating site that the people there are looking to date someone.