Michael Crider

Joe Lieberman? What decade are you living in?

Now you don’t even sound fun.

It’d be pretty cool to see this modded into Skyrim. It reminds me strongly of the Daedric armor set...or maybe Dragonbone/Dragonscale armor.

Wow, in the US that kind of business savvy gets you the Oval Office.

The funny part about conservatives trying to be funny is that they keep trying.

Koffing is the official Pokemon of Trump’s EPA.

This feels like the most manufactured of manufactured controversies. I Googled “savage” as requested, and got the following as the first result.

None of the definitions feel inherently racist, and the initial adjectival definition feels like it serves the game perfectly. Sure, the developers *could* have chosen a

To me, the issue isn’t so much “too many from one franchise” as much as it is “why do all the characters from this game look the same??” Like, if you must add another FE character, can it NOT be another skinny, blue-haired, sword using anime teen? Or does this series exclusively feature skinny, blue-haired, sword

Unpopular opinion: The song sucks and the bard is one of the most obnoxious parts of the Netflix adaptation

Oof that’s an awful trailer. I really hope that Dark Alliance does better than that.

“Stop acting like nobody should ever suffer any adversity or misfortune in their life” said without a hint of irony by a guy getting really mad at the idea of CEOs making fewer millions of dollars. 

Money and politics are not only connected, they are constantly 69-ing each other.

Activision wants more money. That’s the point.

More interested in the sequel Deadspin 2 with all of the original characters

Can they stop making this game for awhile and make a damn movie?! That 8 minute trailer kinda had me crying and I damn near dropped my phone cheering when genji appeared

“Maybe its that I don’t play Overwatch and I’m not really attached to any of the characters” i mean this was all you needed to say to explain why you pretty much didnt care. 

Dude. Same. I’ve always thought that this entire “online” experience that Bethesda cooked up for 76 was a terrible idea. For me, the thing that I liked about Fallout 3, New Vegas, and Fallout 4 (even though Bethesda never fucking fixed the game and playing in DT Boston is still fucking impossible) was that it was a

Watching their greed lead to the death of their company is bittersweet. I hope developers learn from this but you know they won’t. They see gamers as stupid cash cows that they can endlessly pump without ever having to create a quality product.