Michael Crider

You’ll have to pay extra for ledges.

That’s all well and good but wouldn’t it be better if they just made the process of unlocking that stuff more fun and less busywork? Charging real money to skip parts of their games that are shitty isn’t a solution, it’s just another problem.

The sickening thing is I’m seeing gamers defend this practice like it’s not a bad thing. Like they don’t care or think it doesn’t matter. They won’t buy loot boxes so why complain? They completely ignore the larger problem and it’s extremely negative effect on the industry at large. They’re too busy buying into hype

Of course. They can sit there and tell me all day til they’re blue in the face it doesn’t impact drop rates but we know better. You don’t put a system like that in place and not edge people or give them reasons to buy into it.

The worst part is I’m fairly certain the game will be less fun and more grindy because of the mico transactions. You just know it’s gonna take hours upon hours of awful busywork to get a weapon or set of armor that could be bought instantly with real money. Ugh.

Yea the micro transactions are a big nono in a singleplayer game like this. I don’t care if you can progress with out, the game is negatively impacted one way or another by having them there and if they didn’t want you to buy them, they wouldn’t be in the game.

I really want to get excited for this game. But the micro transaction bullshit is giving me serious pause. Also the fact that they turned the giant spider into a sexy lady because reasons.

Do bisexuals count in your none inclusive definition of gay?

Hiroshima was a military target, and over 10,000 Japanese soldiers were killed in that bombing. Nagasaki was a major military industrial center, hosting several manufacturing facilities for Mitsubushi.

If you’re trying to make a point, at least be accurate. I’m not extremely familiar about the lore in other Blizzard games, but I know for a fact that Tracer in Overwatch is canonically lesbian. There was a whole short comic with her and her girlfriend as the focus.

Well you’re wrong. Which is awesome because your stream of drivel had a lot of words that didn’t actually make any points.

.... There is more than one LGBT character across their games.

Did you just... try and nullify all lesbians by stating that guys are turned on by them? Can you objectify us a little harder please?

You do know Tracer is a lesbian, right? The poster-girl of the game? Like, I don’t even play Overwatch, and I know that...

*Enters room, clears throat*

It’s almost as though the destruction of that relic was symbolic of Cersei’s (and her retinue’s) lack of respect for history and tradition. Hmm.

Wait. He’s a guy, yet his name is Abigail. Kinda reminds me of that Johnny Cash song about a boy named Sue.

The particular set of Atari IP that enables the current company to use it looks like this:

First, these people, like the Kardashians are total shitbags. There can be no argument.