Michael Crider

Then it became a cool thing not to like it. We went from hero to zero really fast. That was the tough moment. We didn’t know what was happening.

From what I can tell, it’s not the gay people who are angry. The ones frothing mad in the comments here are people who get instantly triggered at the terrifying thought of gay people liking the same things they do. 

As the article explains, there’s some pretty obvious queer coding for these two characters specifically. The “statue of one riding the other’s back” is weird, but not too out there for a Zelda game. But “bending on one knee to give his ‘friend’ a ring” is basically unmissable.

I’m sure the Microsoft shareholders are happy to hear that they’ve been funding losing hardware for more than two decades. 

I, too, would like to offer a much-needed service to the world. One in which I have zero experience, but am sure I could instantly excel at.

What’s that, you want Metroid Prime: Federation Force 2? Comin’ right up! 

Not necessarily. Plenty of games that get repeated, lengthy delays do so because the development is in serious trouble, failing to nail basic concepts or systems and repeatedly going back to the drawing board. And that’s just the nuts and bolts of it, there are also plenty of non-technical, non-creative reasons that

I think the answer to “how did Universe 42 Miles become the Prowler” is pretty clear in the subtext of the movie already. With Jefferson dead, Miles leans on his uncle as a father figure, and falls into the same criminal lifestyle. He gets the tech from the same place as the Prowler in the first movie, presumably

No, you can cross huge sections of the map on it with upgraded batteries, get from the ground to sky islands without issue, really whatever you want. Even if you run low you can always juice it mid-air with the Zonite charges you get from the constructs.

Normal is not the same thing as right.

What the hell are you talking about? I didn’t say anything about cars. Are you even old enough to be on this website unsupervised? 

From what I can see in the in-game store, the Padme skin has an alternate ripped style that, yes, shows off the skin midriff.

Do you just keep a list of stuff you hate next to your keyboard, and try to incorporate as much of it as you can into non-sequiturs as frequently as possible?

Where’s the transparency in your own biases as a journalist? Why are you dressing up your own existential crisis as fair and balanced news media?”


This is a bit of a tangent, and I don’t want to spoil it for anybody, so:

I don’t think it’s a scam, so much as a feeling of necessity to start the game “fresh” and/or not intimidate new players.

Developed and published by Gameloft

Not to mention the fact that Aloy gets hit on by guys pretty regularly across two games, from grunts to an actual king, and seems uncomfortable each time.