Michael Crider

Because you can tell a story about police without endorsing their actions. The main character of Disco Elysium is a cop, but he’s also someone no rational person would aspire to be, and even he has some deep issues with how the cops in his fictional city treat people.

Actually, the Borderlands system is the only one I can think of where some kind of singular ownership might actually work. In fact that’s how it DOES work, because every single gun in the game is randomized. Even the “legendary” named weapons have static effects and properties, but semi-random stats that will vary

“But it’s really only a gang issue” is a deliberate red herring. Random mass shootings are a uniquely American problem, because America’s gun problem is unique. Every country has criminals and mentally ill people. We’re the only country with 400 million guns, handed out like candy to almost anyone with an ID and a

I’m fairly certain Musk never actually voted liberal. He’s a billionaire, Republicans are fighting for his interests by default, i.e. reducing his tax burden and shifting it onto the middle class.

Then he found out his sexual assault history was going to become public and made a hard-right shift in his public persona,

I doubt it. Musk has so many of his cultists (whom I will continue to call Muskovites, since he seems to be such a Putin fan) replying to him directly to feed his ego. They’re signing up faster than the celebrities are leaving.

Combine that with the algorithm planning to give extra visibility to those who buy the $8

Well gosh, that’s really flattering! FYI I work at PCWorld now. Most of my former coworkers at Android Police have gone other places, too. 

Most of you dummies probably don’t even own a home. You all likely rent. But even renting gives you more rights with the place you’re living in than just squatting there. My point is, twitter is not some basic human right.

It seems to be a lot more palatable for people who HAVEN’T played the original, presumably because they don’t have anything to compare it to.

“Yeah, we can all tell he’s lying,” says the judge.

because I feel like he was looking directly at Tatiana Maslany instead of in her general direction.”

I haven’t touched the Pokemon card game since I was in middle school, so thanks for showing me all these lovely little scenes. 

So Hamill has left and come back to the role multiple times now. But can you blame him? He’s so good at it and so clearly having a blast every time.

One, calm down.

Assuming you consider Dunkey broadly on the “press” side of the video game world (a description I’m sure he’d hate), this is an awkward shift at best. Especially since he’s planning on continuing to do his YouTube channel.

“Madam. We must have waffles. We must all have waffles, forthwith. We must all think, we must all have waffles, and think, each and every one of us to the very best of his ability.”

I get that that would work if it was a dispute between two ordinary people. But if the issue is systemic, with the entire company (or companies), an apology that isn’t public is meaningless. If they can’t be held accountable, even without a commitment to any action, there’s zero hope for any meaningful change. 

The fact that those companies did bad shit doesn’t change the fact that this guy lied to a lot of people just to stroke his ego. Both of them can be assholes.

I’m not going to believe that a practicing medical doctor refused to treat a patient because he cheated in a video game, until I see a signed statement from the doctor himself swearing to it.

And I’m not going to believe it after I see a signed and sworn statement either, because that’s freakin’ ridiculous.

This is a machine that was built up formerly against 8chan and activates any time the cathedral wants to test the new fronts of its censorship.

Before the MAGA cult starts whining about the First Amendment: