Michael Crider
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Apparently Guile is slingin’ hair gel. But he should really be representing for razor companies.

What the hell, Google? Part of the appeal of Stadia was supposed to be that everything’s managed on the server end, you don’t have to deal with updates. Launching a version of the game that’s more than a month out of date is sending some terrible optics.

“How can we evoke the deep lore and epic scale of the Dungeons and Dragons universe in our game trailer?”

Ah, sorry, I don’t usually go there for video game takes.

Any developers in Poland or Eastern Europe would be just as aware of the idea of sacrilege as Joe-Bob Bible Belt. 

I love the weird combination of art nouveau and gilded age imagery with the sci-fi setting. It works really well, both visually and thematically.

Are you just a sad, sad little man or something...This is why you’ve never amounted to shit.

Who cares if he laid off 800+ employees?

I think you’re overstating the infrastructure problem. I was able to review Stadia (along with similar streaming services like Shadow and GeForce Now) on a 100mbps connection, and I live in a podunk little Texas town almost two hours away from the nearest major city.

It’s a beta test, and one that Google has a lot of stones to ask people to pay to get into.

Nope. Way too much time and money lost on this massive redesign. Between the extra work from animators and art designers and the bump back to the February time slot (a horrible time to release most movies), we’re talking about millions of dollars lost.

I watched ID:Resurgence.

Did it seem like the level was advancing the story at all? Any big reveals at the beginning or end?

“He’s an alien! Super rude! A villain! And overall a super bad dude! Like, really bordering on unpleasant.”

This wouldn’t be half as controversial if Blizzard hadn’t unequivocally bowed to the Communist party in its Chinese-language announcement. Translated:

Yup. Guilty. I skimmed over the bits looking for a video. 

Okay, I see that Scrat is going through platforming puzzles that use ancient ruins as easy quasi-magical game mechanics. Fine. But if I remember right, the humans in Ice Age were early stone age hunter-gatherer people. In terms of technological development, flint spears and hide clothing were cutting edge. So where

For all the MAGA cultists trying to start a ruckus in the grays: get comfy.