Michael Crider

I bet plenty of tow places would take it for free so they can ransom the car back to the owner. 

Always go with Overwatch skins that show the face. Otherwise you’ll make those poor animators cry. 

After Shank and Mark of the Ninja, I’ve been waiting literally years for Klei to make another side-scroller. But they don’t seem interested, they’d rather release another Don’t Starve expansion or these weird genre-straddling games.

The is the kind of stupid shit that gets a *DING* in a CinemaSins video. We’re totally legit. To prove it, please break the law for us.”

Are you embarrassed just to be an American?

This is so weird. I love it.

I was JUST thinking about that today. Card’s most famous book is about a protagonist so insanely empathetic that he loves a bunch of killer bugs, so much that he’s the only one who can kill them, and it sends him into a depression that lasts literally centuries. In that context, it’s amazing that the author is such an

It’s interesting that every respondent shifted from conservative to progressive views. I’m not complaining—-I’ve done pretty much the same thing, though not with video games as any particular catalyst.

Man, his take on Javert is almost word-for-word why I like him as an antagonist.

For all that was wrong with the prequels - and there was SO MUCH wrong with the prequels - there was some genuinely great sci-fi design going into the production. These guys, General Grievous, the WW2-inspired Naboo ships, tons of fun. 

Those Junkrat and Roadhog minifigs are great. Especially considering some of the minifigs from the first round, like Mercy and Pharah, were disappointing.

God dammit playing unmodded is the only way old people with our slower reaction times can actually be competitive. LET US HAVE THIS. 

Not to mention we’ve got way too many standard fantasy sword-wielding people. 

After the insulting mess that was Elder Scrolls Blades, this sort of thing seems inevitable.

I’m aware of that. It’s more about how perfect the case and aesthetic match the “mini” builds of Nintendo’s own NES and SNES Classic. 

Hey Nintendo: just pay this person a big bag of money (complete with dollar sign) and make this the GameCube Classic. 

This seems more like a performance piece than a product.

Soooo does PUBG Corporation care enough to sue them? And even if they do, is it worth it to try and prosecute a gigantic Chinese company in China, or is that just throwing good money after bad?

I think that’s possible for a lot of it...but the movie Sonic is proportioned like a human child, big head and otherwise fairly conventional body and limbs. Whereas the authentic Sonic is a full-on cartoon character, complete with over-expressive eyes and mouth, a torso that barely moves, and limbs that can be bendy,

Ditto for Overwatch. The tweaks and balances are all laser-focused on the strategies developed in OWL. That would be fine, if everyone playing online used the same characters and strategies as the pros. But that’s not the case until you get to the very top of the general public’s competitive tiers. Everyone else is