Michael Crider

These dudes look like they’re having so much freakin’ fun. 

Don’t dignify anything D’Souza makes with the label of “movie.” It’s an extended cultist masturbation session, nothing more. 

I’d say pick up Just Cause 2 instead. You should be able to get it for less than the price of a combo meal, and it runs great on anything. A few minutes of the insane grapple-parachute movement mechanics will let you know whether you want to try out the newer entries. 

I do not like Queen.

In the same way that English and German have overlap, sure. But if you live in the US and you don’t know any Spanish, or if you live in Europe and you don’t know any Spanish OR Italian, you’re really not paying attention.

I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you don’t know a single word of either Spanish or Italian. Or any of the culturally Mexican things that are a part of Sombra’s costume skis. 

Gritty Has A Child

Jesus Christ, kid, get a grip. Then get a dictionary, so you can learn what the word “debate” means.

The health of the franchise isn’t my concern. The fact that I have to pay $100+ to get a game that would have cost $50 two decades ago is. 

Yet another reason to wait for the “Game of the Year” edition for $40. 

Is the game worth all this hoopla? I like the idea of a game with a physical toy component, but Disney Infinity, Skylanders, and LEGO Dimensions were all so simple and kiddie. There’s just not enough game there to justify all the money spent on the toys, unless you’re buying them for children.

Yup, “we’re not marketing to kids” is bullshit here. But this isn’t anything new. I remember commercials from when I was a kid in the early 90s for Terminator toys - from R-rated movies that kids weren’t allowed to see in theaters without an adult - with shouting, excited 10-year-olds ripping off artificial skin from

I wonder if they’re going to have multiple color variants of each hero, like they do with the Funko Pops, just to get more money out of the completionists.

So you’re saying that a bunch of alt-right people made a meme that hilariously exposes their complete inability to empathize with people who have a different perspective? Not just a lack of ability, in fact, but a complete refusal to even try to consider someone else’s point of view, as if they literally weren’t

Man, it’s an absolute crime that SEGA sees fit to give us updates and ports of Dreamcast games like Bass Fishing and Space Channel 5 part 2, but leave Skies of Arcadia to wallow in the margins of gaming history. And don’t give me that sheepish look, SEGA! I saw that stage in Sonic Racing Transformed and those cheeky

I’ve got two or three of those Gerber boxcutters, for whenever I inevitably lose my full-sized pocket knife. They’re great. And the blades can be reversed or swapped out with standard box cutter replacement blades in about 30 seconds. 

I’ve got two or three of those Gerber boxcutters, for whenever I inevitably lose my full-sized pocket knife. They’re

I’ve been waiting for a sequel to this for years. Such a perfect stealth-platformer, in every sense of the word.

Good luck getting water out of that stone, I guess. 

“The Motherland Calls,” a post-WWII monument to the Battle of Stalingrad in Russia. Almost 300 feet tall. It’s pretty badass.

The Mushroom Land Calls