Now I’ll admit I’m something of a fashion troglodyte. But I thought Gucci stuff was supposed to, you know, look good. This looks like someone slapped a vinyl sticker on the side of a pair of Payless sneakers.
Now I’ll admit I’m something of a fashion troglodyte. But I thought Gucci stuff was supposed to, you know, look good. This looks like someone slapped a vinyl sticker on the side of a pair of Payless sneakers.
Excuse me, Kotaku. The fact that the apparatus stops when the hamster exits the hatch clearly implies that this is a MECH, without the ability to autonomously control itself.
Starcraft is pretty damn close. Just don’t play the Protoss and you’ve got the Aliens-inspired humans versus the Aliens-inspired bugs.
The guy with the rats in boxes? That’s...weird.
I’m down for an over-the-top shoot-em-up “inspired” by Walden.
As I recall, it started well before the game came out.
He’s a wonderful pastiche of the kind of SUPER-EDGY EVIL DUDE characters that games like Hatred try (and fail) to create in earnest. He’s so laughably desperate to be intimidating that even among wacky Overwatch staples like a talking gorilla and a cyborg cowboy, no one takes him seriously.
Man, that would be pretty sweet. I loved the idea behind Pokemon Go, but the execution was so basic and randomized that I had done everything interesting within a day or two. Imagine that kind of real-world exploration element, combined with Game Freak’s full development power and Switch hardware. LOTS of potential.
It helps when all your action-anime character designs bleed together on the covers and the titles doesn’t give any hint as to what the game is about.
There was. It was a good port of the original with a couple of extra features, but that still leaves us with no official releases in 15 years. With stuff like Sonic Adventure getting constantly re-released on digital stores, I think a Steam version of Skies is more than justified.
Does anyone on the Kotaku staff long for a Skies of Arcadia re-release and/or remake as much as I do? It’s one of the only JRPGs I’ve ever really enjoyed. With all the Dreamcast re-releases Sega has done in the last few years it’s very frustrating that this much-loved gem seems to be ignored.
Reminder: Overwatch canon says Mercy is 37 years old. The pigtails in this skin make her look like she’s in Dva’s graduating class.
I have no idea what is actually going on in the source picture for this
You return to a thread two weeks later to post someone else’s meme you copied off Facebook? What a tool.
become a streamer
That’s great. Now Lifehacker, please tell me HOW to get Jeopardy in any way that isn’t old-fashioned over-the-air TV or cable. I don’t use either, but apparently the local affiliates in my area and/or the syndication rights from Sony are such that I can’t actually watch it on any live digital TV service like Hulu,…
Fair point. I don’t object to paying itself, it’s the randomized gambling approach they’ve adopted. They could make more than enough money by just adding new skins, etc. and letting people pay for them straight, without having to put money in a loot box slot machine. Team Fortress 2 did this years ago and made enough…
A recent patch unlocked every hero character in the game, eliminating an annoying grind. The new cosmetic items bring that grind back.
Sea of Thieves. Forest of Liars. Soon we’ll have games like Desert of Murderers, Swamp of Usurists, and Archipelago of Slightly Tetchy People.