Michael Crider

One, Mercy isn’t Brigitte’s mom. Torb’s wife is pretty clearly shown in the lore video along with kid Brigitte. That being said, he does seem to have have a thing for tall, leggy blondes...

I cheated on the PC to add infinite silver (the non-real-money currency) as a big middle finger to the loot box systems. Technically it broke the game for me, in a challenging sense anyway, but I wasn’t going to grind through those ridiculous fortress defense missions with the crap you get in the base game.

Custom squads are definitely the way to go for pure winning strategy. I like the starter punch mech, the Metal Gear mech with the laser (which does look just like Metal Gear Rex, as a matter of fact), and an artillery unit for flexible enemy manuevering.

“SEGA seemed to actually make people happy with Sonic Mania. We can do that Build Engine crap in our sleep. Let’s make some money.”

Brigitte’s hairclips have LED lighting.

But she’s still definitely not going to run again, right? She said she wasn’t going to run again, right? She’s not going to strong-arm the DNC into a nomination when half of their own voters can’t stand her, right? She knows she’s pretty much the only Democrat who could have lost to Trump, so she’s not going to be so

You should use that fancy readin’ to practice your Latin. Specifically, you need to learn the definition of ad hominem.

Dance Dance Revolution is a simulacrum of actual dancing. Put competitive breakdancing in the Olympics if that’s what you want to see, there’s no reason to tie it into a video game. Ditto for VR and all the other games that require vaguely physical interaction: if all you’re doing is simulating a physical event, just

All you greys telling me how “most of the sports in the Olympics are jokes” and “video games require hand eye coordination” - yeah, no, I’m not elevating you for that crap. Yo-yos require hand-eye coordination, and I’d honestly rather see them in the Olympics than any kind of video game. Even the most boring,

Nope. Nope nope nope. Video games don’t belong in the Olympics. The chess people have been trying to do this for decades, and they’re wrong for exactly the same reason. The Olympics is for sports, for athletes, who compete in physical, non-representative events with their own bodies.

Wow, I had no idea. I can’t stand the My Little Pony stuff, but that has to be a huge thrill for them.

Six-winged angels everywhere. Someone’s been reading their Isaiah.

I’m sure the devs were pretty heartbroken when they couldn’t use their favorite IP... but come on, “Them’s Fightin’ Herds” is a fantastic title.

I’m not sure I could wrap my head around a standard thumbstick, another joystick under my palm, AND full standard movement tracking of a mouse, all on one hand (all before you throw in standard finger buttons).

I’m not sure I could wrap my head around a standard thumbstick, another joystick under my palm, AND full standard

The dad knew he wasn’t going to get “five minutes alone,” that’s some cowboy justice BS. He walked into the court room fully intending to at least try and beat the guy.

Wouldn’t a Soul Edge-posessed Raphael use some kind of rapier instead of a giant side of beef shaped like a sword? Nightmare’s original design uses the giant sword because it’s similar to Siegfried’s Zweihander, and if I recall correctly, the story mode of Soul Calibur 2 had Soul Edge and Soul Calibur (evil and good)

People close to BioWare... worry that commentary from some of YouTube’s loudest voices has eliminated nuance and made companies like EA seem like Disney villains.

I can’t wait to read next week’s painstaking 3000-word breakdown and still not understand what the hell actually happened.

Yeah, that sounds like a grounding issue. I added the same aluminum case to my keyboard (also have some cheapo DSA clones while I wait for the Galaxy Class caps - are you me?) without any problems. For future reference, you might be able to fix that with a thin layer of foam glued or taped to the area where the bottom

$131-169 isn’t outrageous for a Vamilo board. I’ve been using my VB87M for years with no problems.