Michael Caffee

It's more of a moral victory. Besides, all my winnings lately are coming from Fanduel and DraftKings, which is totally not gambling by the way.

Boy, these Franko's Cancellation League points just keep on coming!

"How did I get here? No seriously, how did I get here? Somebody help me, please!"

She may tell you she just wants to be friends, but it doesn't mean she doesn't like you.

If nothing else, this episode proved Patrick Wilson can now join Christian Bale in the pantheon of "Best Actors At Using the Word 'Squirrely.'" It's quite a prestigious group.

Oh, I like that.

You just love those Keith Carradine characters, don't you Jane?

Well, Ted Danson gets the same prize anyway.

That'd be great. But if I had another choice, I'm thinking a Commodores- or Earth, Wind & Fire-esque funk band. It's the right time period. Plus, you know the Kitchen Brothers can really belt out a nice, soulful tune.

"To kill all those people. And for what? A little money?"

The A.V. Club

They're making us wait another week to see it?! What a bunch of arsefaces.

That was the funniest scene I'd watched in a long time. As great as this show is, I feel like sometimes it suffers slightly from being overwhelming with its dark subject matter and seriousness. Great shows like "Deadwood" and "Justified" (sorry, I can't think of any shows right now without Timothy Olyphant) surely had

Let's hope Thack doesn't find out about chocolate.

Jeez dude, show some discretion!

That's how we roll on the Hill. We make sure to get our work done, whether it's a legislative session or beating up people who are late on their gambling debts. But after all that, some Narragansetts and a few shots of Jameson are never far behind. (Well, unless you've got some vague moral code against it.) Double

Dr. Mays was so funny in this episode. That entire scene with Barrow, Lucy, and the Chinatown girls was hilarious, what with Barrow shamelessly trying to put a positive spin on the whole thing. ("This is a new, uh…philanthropic endeavor.") But it got so much better when Dr. Mays came in. "I cared for a great number of

"Addiction…a disease? I've never heard anything so absurd. Addiction is a failure of personal morality."

I agree wholeheartedly. By the way Sludge, you should start calling me dad.

Hey, but you've got to admit: we know how to party.