Michael Caffee

Holy shit, Disney films and unprovoked dancing would certainly be on the list. I don't know how many times I watched "Aladdin" or "Mulan" with her when I was younger, or listened to the soundtrack. She probably still knows all the songs.

I can certainly identify with the ever-optimistic mother. Just out of curiosity, does yours have a penchant for musicals or just general singing?

There was an article about "types of TV family dynamics" a couple days ago, so apologies if I'm repeating myself. But it would have to be "Bob's Burgers." The somewhat frequent clash of strong personalities, the embrace of general weirdness, the conflicts—and subsequent reconciliation—between siblings, the fervent

Franko's Cancellation League top pick of 2016 right here!

I don't know where I specifically stand on the whole DFS issue. (Even though I do think—as does anyone with half a brain—that it's gambling and should be labeled as such.) I am, however, a fan of nasally-voiced Ed Norton doing that DraftKings ad.

"Boy oh boy, that Matt Hasselback can sure throw the bawl."

Well who do we have now? You know, other than Bobby Jindal.

Damn, I bet I'd know that if I watched the show!

Had too many half-baked plot lines for my taste.

"I am deeply disappointed in my opponent's latest ad, where he made a blatantly irresponsible…um…hold on, I can't think of the word."

Our country needs more leaders who can go from flaccid to erect on command.

Oh man, was that show ever a piece of shit.

Makes sense, since this show sounds like a future crime.

Damn, I hadn't heard. Can't say I care either way, I just feel bad for Michael Chiklis.

It's been great making fun of this with you all. However, I'd now like to turn your attention to the woman sitting behind Shonda in the picture. She's got this weird expression and seems to be staring really hard at something, which has me pretty curious.

I've been working on a "Coriolanus" sequel, where he comes back from the dead to form a dance troupe with Aufidius and tour around Rome. I'm having a lot of trouble with the choreography.

We know it's a shoddily-written show, but I had thought it was killing it in the ratings.

Put Up Thy Sequel, or Manage It to Part This Audience

They could've saved a lot on production costs by just setting up cameras in the Sony Pictures offices. Mishandling the hacking crisis, greenlighting "Pixels." So many opportunities for workplace comedy.

Sounds like I'm with my (very, very old) aunt and uncle in their house, where there are James Joyce levels of content that go unheard in almost every conversation.