Michael Caffee

I was literally at a loss for words. I mean, I had no idea where he was coming from. But hey, it's my dad. I agree with you, she looks fantastic. And she's doing a hell of a job.

I loved that as well, and it matched the tone of the scene perfectly.

Oh okay, that makes sense. And thank you for the welcome back! I'll only be here for a couple of weeks' leave before I go back to Delhi, but I'll make sure to take in all I can. Looking forward to our future chats!

Haha, to each their own. I think it was less about liking the song and more about the anachronistic significance of the song being played at a Western-era locale. And that certainly aided in setting the tone.

First off, hello again to all my AVC friends. Have been working in India for the past few months and thus was not able to keep as up to date with the site and various TV/pop culture news. It's wonderful to be back, and even more wonderful that I got to be home for the "Westworld" premiere, because this was fantastic.

That was incredible.

I'm sorry that we watched different shows growing up. If anyone wants to quote "Frasier," I'll be here all day.

Laid-back, yes. And just too damn handsome. He was so cool, and nice, and…man, I can't remember the last time I've been that star struck. I went to see his Off Broadway play tonight: "Hold on to Me Darling," written by Kenneth Lonergan. He was incredible, playing a country music singer returning to his hometown in the

What a great episode. This show excels at frenetic cinematography. That foot chase scene in particular gives "Chaser" a run for its money—no pun intended.

Tremendous review as always, Les. I watched the episode late, but my goodness was it entertaining as hell. It started off with pretty much the most unsettling intro you could ask for, but I loved the reveal near the end that the whole thing was a carefully-planned ruse by Rebecca to help Hood's wounds. Even more than

It's been surprising to see Erik King in such a role…motherfucker.

Making an awful movie semi-watchable and preemptively easing your nausea/vomiting? Sounds like you're killing two birds with one stone there.

Really? I figured that it would be bad (and it seems to be). But I didn't think it was going to be that bad.

The Hardcore Hardcore Henry Head (or, the "Quad H") package costs extra, but it's worth it. You get a free bout of nausea, before the show!

An even cooler gimmick would've been letting the audience control the protagonist. That way you could run him right into gunfire in the first scene, then get to leave early.


I literally just got off a plane, was overseas at my friend's wedding in India. Unfortunately I haven't had the time to watch the episode yet, but I just want to say: it's so frigging great to have "Banshee" back—and better yet, it's awesome to be back reading Les's reviews and discussing such an amazing show with all

What do you mean? I haven't seen the movie, I'm just asking.

"We are captives of our own reboots, living in prisons of our own creations."

Probably bullet sponge.