Michael Caffee

They'd need someone as ugly as Janie to play the lead. I mean, she's got glasses. And a ponytail.

Help me…help me, I'm gonna die!

I can't decide if he's more WACKY or NERDY. It's quite a conundrum.

An NBC comedy shoehorning in millenial references and "young people" stuff? I expect at least fifteen laughs per minute. Maybe twenty. It all depends on how many Snapchat mentions they go with.

Hey, it gets bigger!

The best is comedian Kurt Braunohler's joke about public bathrooms. "That's where things get real. That's where people go, 'oh no, THIS IS HAPPENING!'"

I say it a lot, but I never knew it was actually spelled "verkakte." Very good to know.

That second one isn't canceled yet?

"Grind the meat, don't grind the meat…you're sending me mixed messages, Rick!"

I'm with you on that one.

Did he really say it wrong? I honestly couldn't tell, don't know that much Yiddish other than a few words. Did he do the wrong "a" sound or something along those lines?

I have to say, while the entire cast is top-notch, I've gotten a real kick out of Jeffrey Donovan's performance. He seems to grasp the accent pretty well, and is full of personality in playing the "tough guy" role. (Did equally well with the archetype in Sicario, too.) Though he can also handle those quieter moments

Good point.

"Every Belcher is prone to grand flights of fancy, and rather than talk them down or quash their dreams, at least one other member of the family gleefully enables this type behavior. They’ll cheer Linda on whenever she has the itch to perform, willingly support Tina’s misguided quests for boys/zombies/horses, follow

Maybe it was just an aberration, but the NFC South was really bad last year. FiveThirtyEight actually did a study on if the 2014 NFC South was the worst division in sports history, based on non-divisional wins and losses: http://fivethirtyeight.com/…. It finished only second to the 2008 NFC West, which I don't

The AFC South is easily the worst division in football this year. Last year it was the NFC South, but with Carolina and Atlanta playing how they are, I'd say the torch has been passed.

Reminded me of the Jim Zorn-coached Redskins' "swinging gate" play in its utter absurdity, but that was when they were down to the Giants 24-0. So it's not like it impacted the end result in any way. This, I mean…this was when the Colts were only down by six and had a momentum going. And they go and do that. The icing

Thank you for the links! The Nussbaum article in particular looks very interesting. Going to read it now.

Been watching the NFL for a long time, but that "fake punt" whatchamacalit that the Colts tried to do was the most incompetent play I've ever seen. I mean, even Chuck Pagano couldn't explain it at postgame. "It was a miscommunication." Yeah buddy, I'd say so.

I agree, I thought we were talking about Crazy Ex-Girlfriend being called a "breakout hit," not Jane the Virgin. Jane the Virgin's ratings might not be top-notch, but considering we're talking about the CW's ratings parameters, and that the show's garnered some award recognition, I could still call it a hit.