Michael Caffee

I love how she tried to justify her usage of the word "f*ggot" with that flight attendant by saying that she has gay friends. Whoops! She's been having a Twitter meltdown the past couple days and trying to make this a race/female empowerment issue. Something tells me her PR team is going to be working overtime this

In terms of America hating, Azealia Banks makes Ariana Grande look like a NASCAR fan.

"Jim never has a second sexual partner at home."

"Bad news. The fog is getting thicker."

"Joey, have you ever been in a…in a drunken threesome?"

"Funny Songs" was by far the worst skit, with that whole Octopus Man thing not far behind. Like you said, improvisation can be a great comedic tool, but when you're just naming different stuff for the sake of absurdity, it loses some of the humor. Same thing with a lot of the surreal, gibberish-y type stuff, which

"What he thinks when you're all out of programming ideas…

I didn't think the whole Skullface truck ride was all that special, but after reading your comment I guess it was a nod to the classic Kojima style of packed-on storytelling. An intriguing sequence, I just don't think he made all that imposing or interesting of a villain. Especially compared to villains from some of

I've never had such a discrepancy between the excitement at the start of a game versus the end. The prologue to MGS V was one of the most breathtaking and, for lack of a better phrase, "WTF IS GOING ON?!" sequences for me in gaming history. But the ending(s) was pretty underwhelming. That's not to say I didn't have a

I need scissors! 61!

On a side note, there's an Amazon link above the comments to the book Christian Bale: The Inside Story of the Darkest Batman. Sounds like an intriguing read.

They also showed up when Jerry left the day care center in "Mortynight Run."

That sucks, because he's been really fun and energetic in stuff like "Animal Kingdom" and "Strike Back." Planting him firmly in the "stoic law enforcement guy" role is doing him a disservice.

I'm equally excited, this show is brilliant and I can't wait to see the kinds of things they've come up with for the season. There's bound to be something on the incredibly original level of a "Claw of Shame" or "Dumb Starbucks." Gonna be great to see the commentary on that.

He does have experience with marketing pure shit.

Alright, you've got a point there.

That she is! Can't wait. By the way, don't be a prisoner of "we."

Good performances by McConaughey and Hathaway and a solid premise, but a story that started to unravel around the third act and tried to resolve itself in an incomprehensible way. And that's coming from someone who's enjoyed most of Nolan's films.

I heard that someone in the pilot asks why the person who left Jane Doe there wouldn't just call the cops to let them know about whatever huge thing is going to happen. When a character in the show is poking holes in the premise, that might be a sign.

I agree for the most part. I thought the "Funny Songs" and Octopus Man sketches were pretty lazy. Personal Space was okay, but a lot of people in the comments seem to have loved it. Eyehole Man got better when the guy burst in, but was more weird than funny for the most part. But I thought the Jan Michael Vincent