Michael Caffee

That might work, I just don't know if that'd be the best choice for a "Rick and Morty movie trailer" series. We didn't get too much into the character's motivations. What is he fighting for? Who are his allies? His enemies? Gimme Two Brothers instead. They have a strong bond, and they always know how to handle

I hope the network doesn't end up retooling it. And I REALLY hope it's not on NBC.

Lord Grabbygoo

Him too, for sure. Was just thinking of the more gibberish-y type names.

Wait a second. The Eyehole Man also gets into violent conflicts involving cereal. Maybe they were friends. Could he possibly be…out for revenge?

Especially in JANuary.

Are there seriously people on the subreddit proclaiming this the worst episode ever? I'd go check, but I'm doing much more meaningful things right now. Like going through r/youdontsurf.

He does drink low-calorie beer to prepare for doing Rick's burping lines. Maybe he's expanding his strategy?

Strawberry Smiggles is shockingly violent, yet still manages to be funny through Roiland's delivery. "Why would you even want to eat these?!"

Shrimply Pibbles is in the same pantheon of great made-up names as Scroopy Noopers, Flippy Nips, and Gazorpazorp.

Stealy and Mr. Poopybutthole do seem like they're the same species, or at least have a strikingly similar body structure. Same with Mr. Fake Doors guy. I've always wondered about all that.

I think that, on average, the skits in this episode were not as good as in "Rixty Minutes. However, not only is that a high bar to set, but it's also a minor issue compared to how much else the episode got right. And there were still some skits in this episode that were great (the plumbuses, Man vs. Car, Eyeholes). So

You've just performed a great and noble service for us. Thank you.

Two Brothers, Plumbuses

Fully agree, I thought it was a pretty solid conceptual follow-up. Just from the ones I can remember right now, I think this would be my list of top skits from the episode I'd want a full series out of:

What up, my glip glops! (And my Doctor Glip Glops.) Hope everyone enjoyed their night of football/Emmys/crying over which person or show they believed should’ve won a particular award. Tonight’s episode was a solid one—pretty funny for the most part, and with a much-hyped return to the “Rixty Minutes” concept of

Andy Greenwald tweeted: "Huh. It's almost as if when you open up the voting to everybody, the show that wins is the only one that everybody watches." Yes, he's still speaking in his typical unnecessarily-preachy way, and I'm not sure that the change in voting means that only the popular shows will win awards from now

So what happened with the whole Ben Mendelsohn not being shown with the nominees? Thought he chose not to attend at first (which is pretty much always a sign that they won't win—ask Emilia Clarke). Then he was apparently caught on camera after the winner was announced. So did the cameraman just not find him in time as