Michael Caffee

I do laugh every time they put on that Microsoft "next gen stats" ad in the classroom with Drew Brees and Marshawn Lynch.

That's understandable. If you're still itching for self-importance and a lack of humor, Andy Samberg will be here all night.

She directed The Kids Are All Right? This is an uncomfortable amount of respectability for the Emmys.

Mr. Peanut Butter would add so much personality to the proceedings.

I thought she had priced herself out of everything by now.

"I'm so clever, I'm gonna tell a joke I know is bad, and then act like I'm above it all when it doesn't land! Okay, time for a meta joke!" -Andy Samberg

The writing on that show is absolute shit, but she did the most she could with it. Very happy for her.


Like American Crime!

Looked like a younger version of Hope Davis in "American Splendor."

The type of anorexia that never gets roles in Hollywood these days.

More like WORST time ever, amirite?

I don't want to live in a world where "American Crime" wins awards.

Samberg's jokes are getting plenty of laughs outside time and space.

"Best Reality Program?" Time to check on my fantasy team!

Cheer up, we've got more shoehorned-in Donald Trump jokes and Andy Samberg wackiness coming up!

Andy Samberg's doing a "world's best boss" mug joke with Lorne Michaels and Seth Meyers, and it's been going on a while. So I'd stick with football.

I love Fox's ham-fisted attempt to cash in on the Amy Schumer craze. I don't think I've ever seen an Emmy awards advertise one of the nominees mid-ceremony before.

Watch him whip! Watch him nae nae!

Samberg really ate shit with that last joke.