Michael Caffee

If you're in the mood for another great prison movie, check out "Starred Up." Incredible British film from last year with Jack O'Connell and Ben Mendelsohn. I believe it's on Amazon Prime, not too sure about the other streaming services. But definitely seek it out, I think you'll enjoy it.

They're not crazy, they're just asking questions!

"EVERYTHING is marketing!" -businessman Nic Pizzolatto

I don't think I was equating anything. Just joking around. But hey, thanks for laying all that out for me!

Or a scientific theorem for why my dad never said he loved me enough. And I did everything he wanted, too!

After all, it worked out great for Michael Richards.

I just wanted to wish you good luck. We're all counting on you.

Have a PR crisis, then run a program that glosses over it? Sounds like the stand-up comedy equivalent of "United Passions." Worked out great for them.

From what I've heard, he prefers to shy away from disasters.

They should've just shaht it down.

Looks like I'm the first responder to this pun thread.

And if we're all unique, then nobody's unique. Scientists call this "The Incredibles Conundrum."

Is "Ray Donovan" really that bad? Never seen it. I know it gets a mild amount of awards buzz every year (at least in terms of nominations), and a few people have recommended it to me. But then I read some of the reviews and it's like…I don't know. Seems like there are better things out there to watch.

At LEAST as big of a cultural impact as "Huff."

It's funny, as one-note as the show was at times, I found his performance very multifaceted. Because while his actions were reprehensible, you never knew where to lay the full scope of the blame regarding his transgressions and the rest of their familial troubles. The abusive father? The unsupportive siblings? The

Will it be a widely-respected show that runs for decades yet inexplicably never wins any major awards?

Leo Casa Nostra.

I'm pissed Terriers got snubbed this year.

The A.V. Club

I'd always thought we were all beautiful and unique snowflakes, but that could just be the helicopter parenting talking.