Michael Caffee

Hmmm, that's not like NBC to take something already good and fuck it up.

Matthew Rhys will be the guest host, saying very charming things in between trying to hide his tears.


I don't know, they might need a Ryan Seacrest Type to back him up.

Thanks very much for recommending those sites to me. "Lazarus" does sound pretty cool—I love David Bowie and both lead actors (Michael C. Hall has been in so many things I like, most recently the great indie film "Cold in July"). Fun fact: I grew up in the Philadelphia area, went to Eastern High School in South

I found "Bloodline" to be very entertaining, certainly not the among the very best TV dramas but definitely better than a majority of the reviews made it out to be. Norbert did fine with his role, but in my opinion the writing made his character out to be a bit one-note, so he didn't get to do a whole lot. Plus he had

I was only there for the refreshments.

I was waiting for this review, if only for the purpose of looking through the comments. Figured there would be a fair amount of conflict regarding "I support PC culture, it's not as bad as you think dude" vs. "I don't support it, it's ruining our whole society." But holy shit, this is some smug, incendiary stuff (cue T

Great article, thanks for the link. All praise be to Dikachu and his phallic greatness.

It's a great song, though I was mostly distracted by Viggo Mortensen being in the video.

Haha I'm incredibly jealous. The Mel Brooks version was great, but the revival with Lane and Broderick took the whole proceedings to another level. Such incredible songs, such great supporting performances like Gary Beach (who will forever be my German Ethel Merman), and just one of the funniest damn stories ever

Better a visit from Boyz 12 than that hooligan Ricky Spanish.

"Hellscape" is a pretty accurate description of Buffalo Wild Wings.

I was hearing shades of Kavinsky through pretty much the entire episode.

Truth be told, with the popular appeal of 80s-influenced throwback works like "Drive" and "The Guest," not to mention games like "Hotline Miami," I figured it was a matter of time before there came a TV show that tapped into all of that. "Moonbeam City" isn't perfect, but it's got a style all its own. Some of the

Shit, my mistake. I'll try to tone down the—

From a show that Will Forte also does guest voice work for! The circle is now complete! Six degrees of "American Dad," bitches!

I thought most of the jokes were really funny, especially the gags with the mugs. Love the art direction (Duran Duran album cover-ish seems to be the best way to describe it), and little touches like the pre-commercial transitions. The voice acting was also pretty good—especially Rob Lowe. Hope this show becomes a

I have a confession to make: years back, I lied when I said I watched "The League." The truth is, I never did. I was just young and didn't know any better. No words can express how sorry I am for my mistake. I hope, eventually, that I can earn your forgiveness.

Ian McShane and Alison Brie? In the same show? The communal A.V. Club boner must be reaching legendary levels.